Rise Against Bullying

This website recounts the story of a highly respected teacher witnessed by all the thanks he received term after term, year after year from all the students who he taught and yet was forced out of his job by a campaign of bullying through the arrogance of two of his colleagues who lied time and again about his teaching  and character, without 
ever having observed his teaching or hearing what his students told 
 Mr Crew-Gee. A classic example of personal power being exploited to destroy a talented colleague's career through the arrogant Emotional belief they know more about EFL than anyone else .  A story which happens everyday in a multitude of workplaces and which has no need to happen if Factual Realities as opposed to Emotional Realities were
observed as they are in a courtroom.

This is also an example of how humans allow their emotional loyalties, prejudices and positions of power, and also without the intellectual rigor to examine without bias and with balanced analysis, the personal prejudices which arise in the workplace, to influence their decisions which have major inpacts on someone's career . It revolves around Emotional Intelligence and the ability to distinguish the difference between Emotional Realities and Factual Realities.

It was not MY complaints about their teaching which started the  process.

This story also highlights the human processes which are in play within all human groups when the Emotion of Arrogance takes over from best working practise.








I wish to make clear this is not a criticism of the University of Westminster and its upper management, although I believe there was a certain level of naivety. They could only respond to the lies and distortions presented to them by the EFL Unit management team which was influenced by the personal relationships involved and professional arrogance of certain lecturers as outlined in this history. A case of academic power play based on published writings and personal loyalties. 

One has to wonder how senior managers ignored the clear written evidence available to them at a University, an environment supposed to be about scientific study seeking Factual Reality in favour of personal prejudicial Emotional Realities.

 Luckily a new Vice Chancellor came in and in the end I was paid a substantial sum of taxpayers money. A sum which if the full truth had been known, if the upper management had properly analysed the situation fully without relying solely on the EFL management and Dellar and Walkley there would not have been the need to be paid and the unit would possibly still be in existence. If Hugh Dellar and his clique were as brilliant as he makes himself to out to be, the EFL unit would have survived like it had through many trying times we had had in the 20 years I was there through the professional respect and the working cooperation attitude of the staff. A very important aspect which clearly shows the lack of management oversight is that the Language Laboratory system which had run successfully for over 12 years with very positive responses from students, (both term feedback and surveys carried out by myself, available for scrutiny, sadly ignored,)  was closed down without consulting or debate with all the staff, (over 18) due solely pressure from a small clique of teachers numbering about 5 or 6 led by Dellar and Walkley.  The EFL unit is no longer in existence!

This is also a case study in Emotional Reality Vs Factual Reality. The saga of Dellar and Walkley and irrational emotionally driven arrogant bullying at the University of Westminster, where I worked for 20 Years An academic analysis of bullying in academia and associated social exclusion. This story commences, as do so many stories in our working lives, a long serving manager retires and a new young manager is appointed who brings in their own little clique of young practitioners who think they know better than anyone else. Experience way, way behind theoretical analytical thought processing and thriving on whatever new terminology which caught their inexperienced minds. A harsh analysis which can be backed by clear evidence.

In this particular case it was all about the value of Language Laboratories in the teaching of a foreign language, an academic setting where one would expect respectful debate since Language Laboratories have been used from way back in the 1960’s. Also, I believe there was a certain level of distaste for team teaching, a unique aspect of the University and an arrogance towards an older generation of lecturers. 

The thoughts of Brita Haycraft, the founder of International House a leading global organisation in the world of English Language teaching, from their historical records: “The language laboratory was a massive beast requiring a large room with 15 booths and Alan instructed Anwi Buckingham in its mechanisms who then lead each new litter of teachers, teacher trainees and trainees into its mysteries for years to come. It was a totally absorbing lab hour for students once or twice a week, and lang labs would be established in every new IH school to come: Rome, Algiers, Paris, Barcelona, Cairo, etc., always following Anwi’s lab discipline and continued by Sheila Sullivan in Piccadilly with affiliates worldwide dependent on her wisdom, assisted by the whole team of teachers taking turns in the lab. This self-correcting with a tape recorder is probably the fastest route to mastering a new language and, as I saw in Tbilisi in 1989, used by the Soviets to train their simultaneous interpreters and secret operators – most effectively”.  I actually worked with both Anwi Buckingham and Sheila Sullivan when I worked at International House and was also at the forefront of video use, possibly the first teacher in the world to video a class play and using it to stimulate memory.

The EFL unit at the University had been using team teaching for decades and the five lower classes would have a 40-minute session in the LL once a week since it was felt the more advanced classes had passed the need for ear training and concentrated self language analysis. For some unknown academic reason, the certain members of the new intake of teachers objected to this system believing, it seems, there was also a system of rote teaching taking place in the LL without any evidence whatsoever to support their Emotional belief, since at no time had anyone observed a lesson until the fateful session in 2001. How do I know this, because a senior manager with no contact with the EFL unit told me that rote teaching was no longer a teaching technique. Where did she glean this information regarding me? Where did anyone obtain the information since no manager or teacher had ever observed my teaching outside or inside the LL, other than the session in 2001, sitting at the console of the Language Laboratory where the students were working on a language exercise at their own pace. 

The LL had also been updated by myself to run a computer system where I used the Reward Course CDs with videos and LL sessions with visual aids showing intonation patterns, a unique feature. None of this was discussed at any time in any decision on the value of Language Laboratories, in fact there was not a single session where all teachers of the EFL unit were present to discuss the use of the LL or the updated computer system being utilised to help students to both learn new vocabulary and analyse sounds and grammar forms whilst discovering their sound comprehension  and pronounciation problems particularly with an emphasis on all the contracted forms which occur in all languages when we are s;peaking at normal speed.

Eventually in an effort to educate people on how LL lessons can be very productive in the language learning process, the LL teacher, myself, in charge of this process, someone who had been specialising in the process for over almost 30 years and as in other schools a specialist as opposed to individual teachers having to learn the technical details of using a complex electronic process, suggested people came in to learn the modern materials developed in this learning process, which was agreed with the manager of the unit. It was a learning process for the teachers. 

However, a couple of teachers whose names are the subject of this story believed that they knew better than anyone else how to teach people to learn another language and believed they were going into the LL to observe and give their considered opinion on the teaching ability of Russell Crew-Gee, bearing in mind they had spent little or no time ever using a LL. It also seems that they had also come to a conclusion on the professional competence of the Language Laboratory teacher in charge, without ever observing him teaching. Dellar’s first lie, believing he was qualified to observe and comment on the lesson. In fact, all the teachers of the 5 classes visiting the LL were asked to attend a training, and familiarisation session. The 5 teachers were attending a training session, 3 of whom asked a variety of questions whilst 2 asked not a single question. Bearing in mind Russell had been teaching for 29 years at International House, London, University of Westminster, in London and at schools abroad as a Director of Studies and teacher, as opposed to the 10 years Dellar and Walkley had been teaching. 

The above is the lie Dellar later promoted as to the reason for the meeting, making out he was somehow superior to other teachers and was being used to comment on my teaching ability. A perfect example of how Dellar resorts to lying again and again. As shown by this second lie, since before this meeting Russell had never once complained about them or any other teacher nor is it in his nature to be confrontational unless in defense of an attack upon him, an aspect of most people's characters. He FIRST used the complaints system after his teaching and character had been attacked by them in the meeting defined below. This Dellar comment was also  written at least 4 years after he had complained about the personal attack on his competence in this meeting and Dellar and Walkley had sent him to Coventry refusing to even say "Good Morning" to him to signify whenever they could their contempt for him.. The reality of the meeting was nothing to do with commenting on Russell’s class as clearly shown by the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was about how best to utilise a Language Laboratory if we were starting from scratch however it descended into an attack on the professional competence of the LL teacher. The teachers attending were all teachers who had been asked to observe how computer programs were be used to help students achieve a student centered learning process. Teachers education on the use of technology.

So, what exactly did Dellar observe? He sat at the main console with a headset on listening to his students doing a listening comprehension, recording and writing exercise. He did not ask a single question on what happened in the LL. Below are the minutes of the meeting which resulted in me being sent to Coventry socially for my remaining 5 years at the University and subjected to a number of lies and contrived complaints as seen above. The friction arose from my complaint to management that their comments at the meeting were a very personal and direct attack on my teaching abilities. To this day I do not know why Dellar and Walkley took such a personal dislike of myself and their determination to discredit me in whatever way they could. Reminiscent of gangs of children picking on other children to enhance their feelings of power over others possibly!

As we can see from the minutes, which I would point out are not a very clear report of how the meeting progressed, was not about commenting on Russell Crew-Gee’s teaching it was about the role of a Language Laboratory within a language teaching environment.

Any independent reading of these minutes would conclude that other than Caroline who described what happened in the vast majority of schools which used LL, the meeting descended into a critique of Russell’s ability to run the LL and his actual ability to teach, note the negative language associated with his contribution to the meeting by one of the new managers.  There was no venom in my response, resignation was my tone throughout. It was not just the Summer school where students were handed over to a dedicated LL teacher, this was the same process throughout the year, Russell being the teacher for all sessions, as clearly outlined by Dellar. An example of the numerous inconsistencies in the minutes.

The minutes also do not reflect what actually occurred, they are very truncated to say the least. They miss out the fact that Andrew’s challenge of Russell was saying that the students had come to him after the class and complained they had not understood something Russell had taught. Strangely something which he had been teaching for years and which he then demonstrated on the white board at the meeting. It was also highly unlikely the students had gone to Walkley after the class because he was teaching about ten minutes away in another building that day. He changed this story to a female student coming to him the following day, and then he changes the story to make out he was talking about something Russell had brought up before he left the meeting or something which is not very clear.

Just by chance Russell saw this email on a manager’s computer sometime later which the manager had failed to disclose in the complaint Russell raised as a result of the personal attack he felt was directed at him by Dellar and Walkley at the meeting. Conspiracy? Caroline, the only truly independent person in the meeting, testified that the meeting became personal although this was rejected by senior management.

The Walkley email changing his story, which he changed 3 times in total:

He mentions here that the students did not understand the whole meaning of the sentence. Not correct, a single contracted grammar word was the problem because the students wrote down all the words they could understand and were confused by the concept of the sun going in. A further confusion occurs when a student thinks "son". A problem, easily explained through visuals on the white board, the sun plus a cloud, a problem which students had struggled with, every time this published exercise had been used over many, many years, and specifically chosen due to these vocabulary and pronunciation problems.  We can see precisely the problem the student had since they underline it in the feedback report, see the first student in the feedback reports from level 3, second group in the student feedback survey towards the end of this story. Walkley eventually changed this to one student asking him. How can the situation have three different explanations? As every policeman will tell us, someone who changes a story cannot be relating reality since there is only one reality if we are recounting a Factual Reality. This problem with particular contracted forms had been a perenial problem year after year and class after class. the experience of many years. guarantee it is still a major problem for learners of any language.

Also Dellar says it's revision and Walkley is saying students didn't understand the whole meaning of the sentence. A complete contradiction particularly since the process is both a revision and learning environment which they would have understood if they were not so intent on belittling Russell on his teaching ability and knowledge of EFL.  Plus what is wrong with revision, it is the fundamental process of learning, repetition,  particularly when it is also introducing new concepts. 
Do they not do any revision in their choice of activity in any teaching session? Who are they to challenge Russell's right as a teacher to chose the language of any session as a highly experienced teacher? 

One student had a similar problem in Dellar’s class as seen in the example below, a phonics problem, the pronunciation of phonic sounds in combination. Actually, a problem students have, in fact all of us have, when learning a foreign language is the contracted forms of grammar words, something which Dellar blew a raspberry at when I pointed it out at the meeting. Well, here is a perfect example in a student’s own interpretation of what they heard, something which I had come to learn over the years of using a language laboratory in order to understand the listening problems we have. It is in fact the exercise Dellar’s students had. Dellar also lied because at no time did I ever persuade students their pronunciation was bad, except obviously in cases where an individual actually had poor pronunciation which interfered with their ability to make themselves understood, which is precisely the role of a teacher to point out if a student’s pronunciation is incomprehensible, is this not the role of a teacher who is being paid for face to face lessons? In this particular class there were no students whose pronunciation was incomprehensible. What Dellar mixed up was a student’s inability to understand the pronunciation of particular contracted combinations of grammar vocabulary, something I had observed at all levels up to Upper Intermediate over the years of analysis of students written reproductions of what they thought they heard in the LL exercises. Something which cannot be acheived in a classroom. Dellar is fond of distorting Factual Reality to suit his Emotional Reality. This is confirmed by his student’s own written evidence. Also Dellar did not consult with the students since it would have been lunch time when they were free and they would not be meeting up with him to discuss this single class since they had been attending LL classes for many weeks by then and if they were not happy they would have expressed their displeasure by the time this particular session took place. Dellar is very happy to create his Emotional Realities to suit whatever scenario he is using to pursue his self-aggrandisement. Written evidence makes this quite clear. See a photocopy of one student’s written work, showing the problems that contracted grammar forms pose for learners of foreign languages. I only provided guidance in dealing with this problem, by taking the student back to the point of the comprehension error and asking them to listen to the sound only, not guess at the meaning and try to just concentrate on the sound only and repeat it. I would love to learn what inspired Dellar to believe I was an incompetent teacher from this process and I was belittling the students, a process I had been doing for years with never a complaint, only thanks for guiding the student away from guessing to copying sound. Ear training, aural comprehension. Dellar a man consumed by prejudice? Clear example of an intermediate student having a problem understanding what one would expect to be simple grammar, “does” instead of “There’s”. An analytical process because the student is working by themself and the teacher can discover precisely the listening problems students are having when proper techniques are used to teach or revise structures in a self-learning process, no better process of learning. This according to Dellar and Walkley is an impossibility, unable to accept the evidence of their own eyes. A thought which has constantly entered my thoughts, is maybe they think it is a reflection on their teaching which concerns them. 

It is irrational as a language teacher to refuse to believe a student could confuse /dz/ and /ðz/. In fact it is irrational for any teacher to ignore a mistake a student has displayed in their own words. 

At this point I am going to bring this up to date because on the 17th April 2024 I attended the IATEFL Brighton 2024 conference where I attended a talk by Hugh Dellar. His talk was about 'listening' which is of particular interest to myself because having been a promoter of Language Laboratories throuhout my 40 years of teaching English, listening and understanding human sounds has been a driving force in our ability to learn how to speak a foreign langauge.I placed myself at the very front, in a place which i believe he actually recognised me. I obviously cannot be 100% sure however during his talk at one point whilst talking about about contractive forms in language and the problems we all have , terminology which he did not use, he painted a caracture picture of a some kind of authoritarian language laboritory teacher who was encouaging students to capure the exact sounds they were hearing. he then said he was present and a Chinese student of his was having problems with a sound combination he had captured which according to the student's interpretation was "tyre not". Instead of presenting this as a golden opportunity to explain to a student that like in many languages some sounds can be more than one interpretation he belittled the process of striving to capture exactly the sound the student was hearing in order to seek the words being used. A postive teaching process can occur where the teacher says, " Yes that is an interpretation however it does not make sense, can you think of other words which might be being used, for example there might be two words not one in 'tyre'. Try splitting it into two and what do you get"    CERTAINLY WORDS DELLAR DID NOT USE.  The picture he painted was like that which I have painted here, a negative image, he was unable to present the  positive process by which the ability to faithfully hear and reproduce a sound in a foriegn language, the art of being able to speak a language  whereby he was unable to utilise it to TEACH or EXPLAIN how to learn. Also the "tie a knot" example was not in the exercise he heard whist with me. Strange it was a Chinese student like the exercise above.  Was he painting all LL teachers as teachers who belittle their sudents, because it certainly wasn't my class?  How often do we all confuse one sound for one word when in fact it is another which can only be clarified by the structure of the combination of sounds. For someone presenting a talk on how to help the listening and understanding process in learing English he failed miserably on this occasion. I have a strong impression he was having a dig at me and as usual lied yet again as he has done throughout the saga created by him and Walkley. 

Further to this was the response from three members of the National Geographic who treated me with distain, and telling me they would not be interested in publishing my research, Emolinguistics, because, and this is super amusing, I had during our conversation interupted one of them while she was speaking, a perfectly normal process in the multitude of conversations we have as human beings, if something is said which we believe to be contrary to Factual Reality and therefore this proved I did not have a character which they would be happy to work with!!!!!!!

Back to the process of ENCOURAGING students to repeat the sound they hear and try not to guess at a sound which they are not sure about, which we can all do when we hear a sound we are confused by, is the demeaning process Dellar accused me of. The reason the two, Dellar and Walkley interpret it this way is, I presume, is their Emotional belief Language Laboratories do not help us to learn foreign languages or is it because Russell Crew-Gee advises or reminds students of this process. Who knows their motivation! 

Further to this, the above exercise is a published exercise, not one I wrote, and had used over many years particularly if working in with the class teacher when they are using this structure during the week., The student was practising, a listening comprehension, speaking, and writing exercise, with teacher help and analysis to correct any mistakes. An exercise of a conditional construction. Compare this with Hugh Dellar’s One minute English on YouTube where all he is doing is explaining a particular language form which he employs advanced language to explain, which means a learner at this level ought to be able to find out the meaning of it through a simple Google search these days or consult a learner’s dictionary. What is so special about his One Minute English? Google ‘One minute English’, he is far from being the only one posting YouTube videos using this title, check out Google, so nothing special.

Google, Language Laboratory apps or similar terms and there is a whole new world which employs all the language skills required to learn a language, listening, understanding, speaking and practising. Far superior to just listening to a person speaking/explaining the meaning of a phrase or lexical phrase and in most cases a single example of usage when there are many contexts of usage, plus no reference to the emotional impact on a listener .

Getting back to the past, after all the teachers had been in to observe their classes I gave a questionnaire to all the students in each level and the below are students ideas on whether they can learn a language in a Language Laboratory in anticipation of the negative responses from Dellar and Walkley, since beforehand, there had been some evidence to suppose there was going to be dissent. The responses are all an average of what all the students wrote. As seen in the minutes above, I asked that they were shown to all members of staff although they never were. The students’ comments are in direct contrast to Dellar and Walkley’s comments. Bearing mind also they had spent little or no time in a LL in their career, in comparison to someone who had spent hundreds of hours using and developing the best learning techniques to utilise in a Language Laboratory. As I recall it was at the point where I was going to read a sample of the student’s comments that Dellar and Walkley walked out. Dellar lied when he said students had been convinced their pronunciation was bad. I had definitely made no mention to the class their pronunciation was poor, I had no need to and this was not the first LL session the students had had and their written evidence, see below, is at odds with his statement he had conversations with the students after the class, which as already mentioned, is highly doubtful since he left at the coffee break and would not have seen the students until the following day.

My evidence is based on not only my 30 odd years of experience teaching thousands of students, commencing at International House in London and based on student surveys carried out on more than one occasion. One a survey, on all aspects of learning techniques in the classroom, carried out on students at all levels at the University of Westminster, and overseen by another lecturer, put the Language laboratory in the top three techniques most helpful in learning. A form of questions in a survey which I believe had never been carried out before.

As a result of this personal attack on my professional competence I made a formal complaint, since it was implying I was consistently belittling students, (note how this word has been placed in inverted commas) and as a result of this Dellar and Walkley sent me to social Coventry, an act of bullying and an act of disgraceful academic ignorance. Due to their relationship with the new management they managed to persuade senior management that my complaint had no substance, contrary to Caroline’s evidence. The minutes of the meeting and the students evidence make a mockery of this interpretation plus their unprofessional behaviour towards me and the independent teacher’s evidence. Our personal feelings towards our work mates need at all times need be suppressed in the interests of professional harmony and best practise and, at the very least, acknowledging normal social greetings is vital for the mental health of all employees  particularly if the process is being used to intimidate another employee. Their actions sanctioned by management are the worst form of employee bullying, letting a colleague know day after day they have no respect for them whatsoever is bullying on a par with the worst forms of abuse at work.

The following is an example of Dellar’s arrogance towards people who he feels are beneath him. The last person I would ever wish to kowtow to. If I was to identify a feeling towards him it would be pity since he is way too full of his own importance as shown quite emphatically in the following quote from just one of his gaslighting explanations in attempting to belittle genuine complaints of his deliberate distortions of Factual Reality. Furthermore, other than knowing about his coursebook, which having read it, was not a book which I would use. I also was not aware of his DELTA or MA TESOL qualifications.

Not blowing his trumpet, then please explain to me what other interpretation could be placed upon his listing of what he considers to be overwhelming evidence of his own competence and ability to be the arbiter on what constitutes top class language teaching. Knowing EFL as I do, plus the world of EFL academia it is not like other disciplines in determining what makes a top class language teacher. Decent human beings and highly intelligent practitioners set out to help those who lack knowledge or experience, to guide not bring people down. Best practise in the workplace is to help those who in any way lack the skills to pass on knowledge to other human beings, not hinder their progress and actively act to destroy their career. When it happens in an area of ignorance by the accusers then it is even more damning. There are a multitude of learning techniques as there are students who have a multitude of different learning abilities and techniques. The Dellar and Walkley method is way, way beyond perfect. I have met many excellent teachers who had no qualifications other than a month’s training course which was the norm back in the 60’s and 70’s, let alone the teachers throughout time with no formal qualifications.

In terms of linguistic knowledge one of Dellar’s clique actually argued that pronunciation and intonation were one and the same, which is strange just linguistically, since why would there be two words to define the use of volume, tone, individual sounds and sound combinations for single sounds and words and a combination of speed, volume and tone displaying emotional messages let alone the meaning of the words and sentences. A very bizarre conversation.

Paper qualifications are no guarantee intelligence exists in all areas of life and this situation is clear evidence of this Factual Reality. In the world of EFL there have been constant changes in the form in which the teaching needs to take place, a distinction one year could be a pass in another, so there is no guarantee a particular course is the ultimate teaching method we all need to apply.  To name a few over the years of the in vogue method.













What is missing in all these approaches is a student imput and the different processes required at all the different levels of Language learning. The basis of my teaching is Task Based since this encompasses all the other approaches in one way or another. The LL is very much a tasked based process with the added aspect of self learning and understanding whjch is a very productive thought processing.

Dellar says students can learn nothing in the Language Laboratory they cannot learn in the classroom. Well, the reverse is true and more so because learners can record and listen to themselves and compare and contrast something they cannot do in a classroom. A recording facility was a major breakthrough in the world of language learning, let alone the music industry and record keeping when it first appeared, followed by computers. I refer you back to Brita Haycraft’s comments at the beginning and now the language learning programs which are in our pockets today. In a LL there is no necessity for a teacher once the student understands the technical process whereas a classroom requires a teacher, which kind of makes a mockery of Dellar's supposition, just to play with the concepts. There is also the the personal satisfaction aspect, the ego of being in charge of other humans, a revelling in the attention, an aspect which could well be applied to Dellar when one sees his presence on the internet. Is it about promoting learning techniques or about promoting Hugh Dellar?

These two people were the cause of me retiring early due to their influence and friendship with our line manager. Between them they managed to persuade senior managers of the University, who had no contact with the EFL unit, that apparently, I was using the rote system of learning, since a senior manager told me in a meeting this was not the way to teach any more. The fascinating aspect of all this is that not a single person had actually sat in on one of my general English, speaking skills or FCE evening classes at any time and all this revolved around a single 40 minute session in the Language Laboratory, sitting at a console listening to students and if necessary, talking to them on a headset or visiting their console to see what they had written and if necessary, helping them comprehend the sounds they were having difficulty understanding and an unknown reason for their Emotional personal dislike.

The year I left, the system of the 5 lower classes having a LL session once a week had been cancelled, without, as already mentioned any consultation with all teachers and it was up to individual teachers if they took their students into the lab. The only person who used  the LL was, surprisingly, Andrew Walkley and I observed his use. To say it was amateurish is an understatement, he had the students practising phonic sounds, single language sounds which is a pointless exercise to do in a Language Laboratory. Words in combination is the language learner’s greatest listening problem, students with a particular single sound problem can be helped in the classroom on a one to one basis. Since as professional teachers, we all know and understand the particular sounds each nationality has problems with. I had a recording of this lesson.

One aspect which was totally bizarre was the cancellation of the Summer Course use of the Language Laboratory, where since it was a Summer Course I had used songs to provide stimulation for the students. The session was loved by all the students. Each student initially listened and tried to write down all the words of a famous song from singers like the Beatles and Dylan, songs with a social theme. They then were put in pairs to compare each other’s written versions, 3’s if necessary, depending on numbers, to correct. They were then given the complete lyrics and linked up together to sing and record themselves. This would be done with me playing the song from the centre console and them singing. Having done this, I would then play their recording over the main speaker, switching from pairing to pairing. Afterwards I would go through any problems they might have. This was very rewarding and gave all the students a good sense of achievement and covered all the language skills. Not once was I asked or observed in order to assess if this was a successful use of the LL on a Summer Course. A highly motivating lesson enjoyed by all the students judging by the burst of applause which broke out EVERY time after listening to their renditions.   Practising my philosophy of making student’s learning an emotional experience, the best form for memory retention.

I lost another 7 or 8 years of teaching due to these two individuals who at the end of the day are no better at teaching people to speak and write English, than thousands of other teachers, particularly since they specialise at the advanced level as opposed to the difficult level of beginners, elementary and intermediate. Their Summer Course at Lexical Lab is a direct rip off of the University of Westminster summer course from what I have gleaned from their publicity. To destroy a colleague’s livelihood because for some unknown reason you took an emotional dislike to them and used an emotional dislike of the Language Laboratory as an aid to learning to attack their teaching ability is a disgrace to best working practise. People who have seen Dellar's lessons which he publishes on YouTube have made comments like, "boring".

You can see at the beginning of this story what students who I taught thought of my teaching style which shows it must have been an excellent learning experience.  There many more comments which I have not publshed here.

My wife became a primary school teacher due to my inspiration, and she learnt French and Italian and is now learning Spanish on a recording machine without a single face to face lesson, all aural and no visual. Ok, we visit France every year and we have italian friends we meet up with, however nobody actually teaches her, all is done by listening and practising. She is also now head of Modern languages at an Outstanding primary school. She also happened to attend my highly successful evening First Certificate exam course, which was designed in a very specific manner which I believe is not used by any other teacher

The modern Language Laboratory in the palm of your hand.  https://www.fluentu.com/blog/language-lab-app/  The art of self-learning the most successful form of learning a language. Knowing when to consult an expert is part and parcel of that process, it’s amazing how much we can learn without the ‘teacher’.  Google ‘Using a phone as a language laboratory’, there’s whole new world out there. 

I have had dream since I first started working in a Language Laboratory back in the late 70's, one day we would put a helmit on and be transported to a foreign country, as if we were in an environment such as a shopping scene and all the conversations would be with an apparent live image of a person in the target language. There would possible also be a teacher character helping and correcting, possibly switching from the shopping context to a writing context for recording purposes. 
A dream which now, purely subject to cost, I have researched it, could become a reality with the arrival of VR. Will VR be the classroom of the future or will we still be relying on Lexical Labs, (An interesting choice of name??) as opposed to AI Labs digitilizing our linguistic development.  

In these Emotional turbulent times with human scientific knowledge beyond anything we have known before there is going to be need for 'The Emotional Being', the source of all our angst to beginning studying the impact of our Emotional linguistics and the conflict our Emotional concepts which are at variance with each others ideas about Reality.  Just a little bit of practical philosophy. Time to actually study 'Emotion'?


Respect for our fellow human beings and in particular with our work colleagues with whom we spend the vast majority of our lives, is the art of Emotional Intelligence and a whole lot more. Had we worked together as opposed to some form of academic and personal emotional distortion of the Factual Reality of learning and best professional working practise, who knows what the unique style of team teaching might have achieved.  I was not the only person to suffer from Dellar’s distain for his colleagues.

Dellar and Walkley will not engage in academic debate to defend their beliefs, they are apparently above this process of academic peer review, they walk away from debate and discussion, block responses, denying best practise in favour of the singularity of the Lexical approach, one of a multitude of fads which have come and gone over the ages which at the end of the day is just a marketing idea to promote the idea of joining all words together to create a  multitude of concepts which have evolved throughout time, We all know from our own mother tongues that communication is not just a single word or linking words to develop a variety of concepts together to create highly complex human concepts, it is the joining of all linguistic items to express not just their Factual concepts it is also about controlling the Emotional concepts which are inherent within all linguistic items. In the minutes of the 7th March 2001 you have seen it says Russell drew attention to a survey he had carried out with the students. As already mentioned, it was at this point Dellar and Walkley walked out since he was about to read out the results. Below are just three examples from each of the classes which were observed by the people present at that meeting. The answers make a mockery of the personal negative comments made at the meeting and the biased negative distorted impression created by the person who took the minutes. This survey was not seen by any of the senior management in the investigation which took place following my complaint of a personal professional attack.

The next part shows student’s thoughts on the Language Laboratory lessons which were observed and the subject of Dellar and Walkley’s attacks on my teaching, the only true assessors of the impact of teaching techniques and materials and a teacher’s character in a classroom. Factual Reality Vs Emotional Reality, the student’s impressions on the LL sessions which were observed by the 6 teachers in attendance at the 7th March 2001 meeting and examples expressing the overall feelings of all the students. All other comments available.  All contradicting the negative impressions given by Dellar and Walkley in the meeting on 7th March 2001 and are all very positive towards the learning process and the materials. As stated Dellar and Walkley walked out of the meeting when I revealed I had a student survey.

Student Surveys Classes 1 to 5

Now for two strange complaints from students, one very bizarre. This is relevant to Hugh Dellar’s latest accusations on the TEFL Worker’s Union (Twitter) X where he said I had more complaints made against me than any other teacher he had worked with. A libellous statement, more on this later. The only time my name had ever been mentioned negatively in an end of term feedback form in all the years I worked at the University. The first one is from a student who arrived at the very first session in the Language Laboratory and who I had never met before and acted in the most bizarre manner. I start all my first lessons with a class by going through an introduction lesson which I use with every class I first meet. It revolves around where they live in their homeland and the language to describe where their home town is within the country and the vocabulary required to do this successfully. The student sat slouched in her chair with her back to me, and when I turned to her she grudgingly participated. Very, very strange behaviour, why would someone act like this with someone she has never met before? The first session ended at the break, and I never saw her again in any lesson. Hence, very bizarre for someone to make an assessment on a teacher. The session after the break was an introduction into how to use the machines. The second student’s complaint to management was that this same introduction lesson, his complaint being the other teachers had already done one. Bizarre since, one, a teacher needs to introduce themselves and secondly because my lesson is totally different because as mentioned I use the opportunity to talk about the geographical location of where the students live and the vocabulary and phrases associated with this plus at times reference to their parents, since I had found over the years that even advanced students are not very competent in describing where they come from if it is not from a capital city, this being the majority of students. The second student only attended two classes.

The second student put in a very strange complaint. As explained his complaint to management was that I did an introduction lesson, his complaint being the other teachers had already done one. Bizarre since, a teacher needs to introduce themselves and secondly because my lesson is totally different. As mentioned he only attended two classes. The point of this end of term complaint as shown below, is very strange from an Iranian upper intermediate student who came up with a concept which is very culturally specific, 

I acted like a sergeant major in the army and primary school teacher. The reality is that such attitudes are an anathema to myself, particularly with adults, it is just not my character. This leads me to believe that the student recounted something to another teacher and the teacher interpretated it in this way and guided the student on what to say, in fact expressing that teacher’s emotional reality with regard to myself. Not provable, however clear circumstantial evidence although it could be argued it could have been someone outside the learning environment. Even stranger since he only attended two of my classes. I explained the situation to some other students who were only too willing to sign a statement denying I in any way acted in this manner. Below are the complaints and the rebuttals. The other students’ rebuttal to the complaints, who signed them at the end of term get together after being informed of the complaint. Only three were still around at the time. They were shocked that the two students had made a complaint since one had attended the Language Laboratory for half a session, and the other on two occasions. The complaints and rebuttals. 

The Factual Reality of me, my teaching and my students opinions Just a small selection from hundreds of thanks over 30 years of teaching. Plus an Email received after a student had left. Do any of these unsolicited complements sound like an army drill sergeant or primary school teacher, although the primary school teacher’s I know are highly caring non aggressive in character? What is interesting is that there is nothing about the materials or techniques, obviously since neither student attended enough classes to make any comment, one for the first, and two for the other. An insight into my philosophy of life. I get out of bed everyday with the intention to make a stranger smile and if possible, laugh. I achieve my aim each and every day. Does this sound like a Sergeant Major character? 

Now Hugh Dellar’s character versus mine. Who is confrontational? Email sent after discussion with the line manager who in fact edited my words to the managers words.

He confirms his bullying attitude and desire to make me feel threatened and disrespected. I repeat once again, how can anyone make an assessment of a work colleague and their ability in whatever profession if one has never seen the colleague in all aspects of a full working environment and refuses to read the comments of clients because of some unknown emotional dislike of the colleague. This form of bullying is seen throughout all professions although according to a neuro consultant I saw after an MRI to check out the head pains I was experiencing at the time, the patients he saw most, with problems like my own, were all mainly from the world of academia. 

Now to the present. Having purely by chance seen a post on the TEFL Workers Union on Twitter, now X, praising Hugh Dellar, who it turns out is not a member, and who has a free advert for his business on their Labour Lessons page on their website, I posted a highly libellous statement accusing Dellar of being a bully. I was not surprised by his response, although most people would surely deny such an accusation, he seemed to embrace the concept since he laughed just like bullies do, and made highly libellous statements about my teaching and character. His post a perfect example of the arrogance of a bully who thinks they are above reproach. I put my money where my heart was in the belief that a Union would have the deep humanitarian sympathy required to take an independent view of what constitutes a bully, both in social terms and law. So far, my accusations have been treated with contempt and every manipulation of linguistic concepts have been employed to undermine my accusations. Although I am a member of the Union, I am blocked from participating on the X page and on Facebook, my comments on anything related to bullying are deleted. So much for condemning bullying and the morality of the admin running the Union. One law for one and another for the rest. Who you know not what you know and personal loyalties refusing to recognise disgraceful human behavior even having been notified of the totality of the situation. 

The question also arises, Dellar was not on the management team so how would he know about any complaints made by any students regarding any other member of staff, unless of course he was perhaps the instigator of any complaint, something which I have already referred to. I have dealt with the sole complaints above.

Vexatious complaints: This is the man who complained I sat too close to him in a café across the road from the University and opened a paper in front of him!!!!!!. A café I had been frequenting for years before he even arrived and who knew me well. Guess what, extra information volunteered. So much for vexatious complaints. Independent opinion on the character of Walkley. Strangely enough I was criticised by management for gathering witness statements which exonerated me, contrary to natural justice, which also happened in another case where I asked another colleague to act as a witness regarding an untrue complaint made against me. 

In terms of having tables turned, I ended up by being criticised by the unit manager for saying “Morning Hugh” in the staffroom when he was the only person who did not reply to my general greeting, and which he made a complaint about. Tables turned meaning reversing the accepted etiquette of life?

Since when has it been harassment to wish someone a cheerful “Good morning” using their name, since I was very careful to use a friendly intonation pattern, an easy process being a highly experienced EFL teacher researching the impact of Emotion in words. I was being forbidden to say good morning to a colleague. It is in writing. It would be laughable if it wasn’t part of a long-term process of bullying in collusion with the unit management. As for a grudge, not in any way, justice for EFL academic reality and best working practise, fighting against coercive and controling behavior. Work place bullying covers many areas, racism, sexual harassment, verbal, non-verbal and physical insults and it needs to be confronted in all its forms in the work place. Furthermore, having a positive, cooperative and respectful emotional understanding of our colleagues, as opposed to creating division for personal gain or emotional dislike is what makes the workplace a positive and successful environment for everyone, best working practise, acceptance and constructive positive attitude towards all our colleagues. In the world of teaching, I have met some of the most innovative and unconventional people who have had the respect of their students, practising the art of teaching. My Speaking skills class which I created with another teacher originally and developed after she left, was over 12 years old when I left the University and was the basis of a university credited exam in Speaking. 

Emolinguistics.org.uk being inspired by the language taught on my original course. Dellar says he is a trained teacher trainer, if this is so then he ought to be helping people who he believes require help in teaching techniques in order to become a better teacher not do everything in his power to drive someone out of the profession.

As for complaints, all in Dellar’s mind since he can provide no evidence whatsoever other than saying students complained personally to him, inadmissable hearsay evidence as opposed to myself who has provided clear written evidence, from his own students, which totally disproves his accusation, since the concepts of the words of many students prove I could in no way be a teacher who would be subjected to many complaints. On every occasion I have had a student make a comment about another teacher throughout my years as a teacher and Director of Studies, I have talked to the teacher and would never dream of saying any of the teachers I ever worked with were subject to many complaints although I can say that there were more than just one over the years who I did get negative comments about by students, including some at the University. Dellar says he is a trained teacher trainer, and I repeat,  if this is so, best practise is helping people who he believes require help in teaching techniques in order to become a better teacher not do everything in his power to drive someone out of the profession however first and foremost is to actually observe the teacher  concerned teaching before making any assessment. 

If I had so many complaints as Dellar implies why were all my classes full of students, particularly my specialist individual afternoon and evening classes and if the Language Laboratory classes were demeaning them how is it all 5 classes were full week after week.

Want to know who I am as a teacher and my contribution to understanding the concepts of human language and my deep interest in human communication and the influence Emotional Intelligence has on our intellectual knowledge and Factual Reality? This will make a wonderful case study of how Emotional Reality contrary to all the evidence, trumps Factual Reality. See Emolinguistics.org.uk

It has taken a bit of time to put this together since there is a wealth of material which I have sifted through to create the basic Factual Realities behind the source of bullying which I was subjected to. Having said that, to this day I really have no idea what I personally did to Dellar and Walkley or their little clique to receive such emotional comments which transpired in the August 2001 meeting and became a highly vicious personal bullying campaign. Dr Michael Heller also suffered as he has clearly presented in his written statement, hence there is evidence Hugh Dellar is not a particularly nice human being with a penchant for bullying to satisfy his arrogance towards those he takes a personal dislike to.

Now as opposed to receiving a sympathetic response or concern from the TEFL Workers Union, I am being subjected to the same evasive techniques employed by those who for emotional loyalty reasons supported Hugh Dellar at the University. A refusal to understand the difference between their emotional interpretation, referring to Dellar’s comments regarding student complaints and vexatious complaints as “snarky” when in reality they are disgraceful professionally libellous comments. They have inspired this trip to the past. 

What am I trying achieve after such a long time? I still have sleepless nights with my mind going over the injustice which I suffered to such an extent I was driven to the point of possibly taking my own life to have my case heard independently and without prejudice based on two people in a meeting witnessing a personal attack on the professional competence and character of a colleague. Like all people who suffer from all forms of abuse and who suffer mentally for years there is a desire for the whole world to know of these abuses and for the perpetrators to be exposed for who they are.

A hunger strike on Regent Street in the name of justice for a first-class teacher who was highly regarded by his students, as you can see from the comments of thanks and appreciation of his students. A career ended prematurely due to who knows exactly what, since as already pointed out the only time the instigators of this bullying and victimisation had observed his teaching was in a training session for THEM in a Language Laboratory sitting at the console with a headset on listening to their student practising an exercise which practised almost every language skill. Was it his age, or even his double-barrelled name or what, which created so much hatred in their minds? It cost the taxpayer a lot of money and the teacher a way of life both personal and professional.

What am I wanting from this process: 

  • The hope that the two people can find it in their apparent humanity to recognise the injustice in their actions and recognise that they are not life’s gift to teaching EFL and to offer up a heartfelt apology by admitting their errors.
  • Recognising my students over many years are the only judge of my competence, their words speak out clearly in my defence. The nicest compliment I ever received or should I say enjoyed the most, was being told I was like the Robin Williams character in ‘The Dead Poet’s Society’.

    One can but live in hope.

An official complaint about a concerted and coordinated verbal assault on the integrity, character and professional competence of Russell Crew-Gee

To be read in conjunction with my first memo to Ken .................... 

This document supplements my first one which was written during the early hours of the morning following the incident, when I was highly emotional. It is written in order to define more precisely the complaint I am making. The complaint is that Hugh Dellar and Andy Wakely went far beyond the normal bounds of argument and debate and attempted to destroy my credibility as a teacher. I would go so far as to say that their actions were not just personal comment since they could easily be classed as slander since it can be proved beyond a shadow of doubt that their attacks have no basis in truth and were malicious in intent. 

This assault took place in a public meeting chaired by Ken ................. The other two members of the meeting were Caroline ............. and David ............... Two of these people are managers, which makes the attack even more worrying. Other than Ken .............. all the other people had observed Language Laboratory sessions conducted by myself.  The session consists of students listening to a two line dialogue on a particular grammar point or functional aspect of language,  where the student’s role is to record the second line of the dialogue and listen for their mistakes and analyse the grammatical structures to speed up the retention of good grammar habits.  After hopefully succeeding in correcting their mistakes and understanding both sentences using techniques which I guide them on, they then have to write down both sentences from memory. This is a simplification of a much more complex interaction that takes place during this session.

 Ken .............. has admitted that as chair he should have intervened. I have also complained about the subject area of the meeting which Ken has also accepted should probably not have been presented in quite this way. 

During the meeting everyone was given an opportunity to state their views and as everyone spoke there was silence and courtesy shown with no interruptions. However when it came for my turn to give my views I had more or less only just commenced my arguments when I was interrupted because I made a statement which Hugh and Andy did not approve of. This was just the first of constant interruptions, which made it almost impossible for me to reach a conclusion, which would have qualified everything I was attempting to say. I hold the chairman somewhat responsible for this since he ought to have intervened at an early stage. 

1.              I believe that the first interruption came when I made a statement about how, in the Language Laboratory, when given the opportunity to listen intensively by themselves students had great difficulty in understanding the contracted forms of grammar words when spoken in a sentence context. I was challenged about this statement. This came as a surprise to me since I have never, in any discussions with other members of staff, been given any negative feedback. I felt as if I had been accused of lying. In defense, I related this to what I felt had been shown in one of the observation sessions, in particular, a student in Andy’s class who could not understand ‘does the’ in the sentence “Why does the sun always go in when I’m sunbathing”. It could be argued that at this point I was inviting an interruption however I did not expect to hear from Andy that this was a totally wrong assessment of the problem the student was having. I pointed out that I had actually asked Andy to come and join me with the student. He denied this and said that he had originally been with the student and had called me. I.had lied again apparently.  I do not really care who called who,  I have my recollection and it does not matter who called who first, because in his own words Andy said that he had called me, because it was my class and he did not want to interfere, and left me to deal with it. So if we accept this version Andy called me and he went back to the teacher console, the student then explained to me her problem. She was having a problem understanding “d’z the”. This is what the student told me, nobody can tell me what the student said to me when I was alone with her and they have no right to challenge my integrity in this manner. I definitely called Andy over from the teacher’s console because one of my aims during the observations was to show people the problems students had understanding the myriad of contracted forms that occur with the use of grammar words. I have to say the challenging of the precise order of events shocked me. I can explain further however I do not think it necessary at this stage.  I believe however it is important to establish truth since the crux of my complaint is the distortion of the truth that has taken place at all stages of the attack. Hugh also joined in to say that it was impossible for an intermediate student not to understand ‘does the’ it was a vocabulary problem. Since he was not present he cannot possible know what the student’s problem was. It is true, that some teachers may find this hard to accept, however it is a problem which occurs on a day to day basis, the total lack of understanding of many grammar forms in a sentence context because of the pronunciation change that occurs. Why I ask myself do Andy and Hugh refuse to accept my personal experience? Why are they in denial of a truth that other teachers readily accept? Do they think it might be a reflection on their teaching? It certainly is not my intention to make any comment on their teaching. As far as I am aware they are highly motivated and dedicated teachers. I do not expect everybody to be aware of this as a problem. It really only shows itself so clearly as a problem, in a language laboratory and this was the point that I was going on to make. I was unable to do so because there was a total rejection of the possibility of it being a problem.  The major problem of the denial of what I had said was also their contemptuous rejection. I found the manner of their denial was extremely threatening since I knew that a distortion of truth had been used to support their argument. No one else present could be aware of this. I at no time made a single reference to them and their integrity as teachers other than to defend the statements I had made and which had been challenged by them. I know what  the student said in front of Andy, in my presence;  that she had a problem with the sound after ‘Why’. She mentioned other problems she was having also. However the initial and biggest problem she had was the ‘Does the’. The second problem was ‘sun’. She had the pronunciation correct but she thought it was ‘son’. She also had a pronunciation problem with ‘sunbathing’, hearing a ‘d’ sound for the ‘b’. This is a complete analysis of all the problems she had. Ask Andy if he can describe her problems in such depth since he is so sure he knows what her problems were. 

As already stated, I have mentioned the problem of contracted grammar forms to other teachers at various times and have had a positive agreement. I myself have tremendous problems understanding French grammar forms when spoken quickly in a real life situation. My wife who is Croatian and all our Croatian friends say they also have problems comprehending grammar forms. Everyday of my life for the 13 years I have been teaching Language Laboratory here at the University I have seen what students write and students themselves have told me. With regard to the student mentioned I enclose two documents in the students own handwriting which prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that her first problem regarding that particular sentence was ”d’z the”. The impression both Hugh and Andy were trying to create was that I was incapable of understanding a student’s problem and by doing so they were challenging my professional competence. 

2.              From that moment on I was under attack and almost every statement I made was challenged. I do not recall exactly what order it all happened, it just seemed to me that any statement I made was either wrong or insulting them as teachers. While in the process of stating some teaching maxims both of them almost with one voice it seemed to me, interrupted me in mid sentence to say “You don’t need to tell us that we are teacher you know”. The other three people present in the  meeting did not, as far as I am aware, make any comment, it was only Hugh and Andy, who felt as if I was being patronizing. I believe this happened when I was answering a question posed to me by David and I was talking directly to him. It was not in my head whatsoever that I was talking to him, or anyone else as if they were not aware of what I was talking about. I was stating a maxim of teaching, which I was using to then illustrate the point I was going to make. Stating the obvious to qualify something else. Is this such a crime that they should jump in so vehemently? I assured them that what was their perception was not my intention. It still served to break up my train of thought and disrupt the point I was making. Again it was the manner of the attack, contempt, for they were in fact agreeing with what I said but were objecting to Russell Crew-Gee saying it. 

3.                 At another point in my attempt to explain the advantages of a language laboratory, it got round again to Andy’s class and he attacked me very directly and my competence as a teacher by saying that his students had come to him after the class to ask him what ‘the sun goes in’ meant.  It was at this point that I really felt that something was going on that had nothing to do with discussing the pros and cons of a language laboratory. This was get Russell Crew-Gee by fair means or foul. I will never in my life forget that moment because I looked down at the floor and was silent for about 20 to 30 seconds. I was controlling my temper because I knew something Andy Wakely was not aware of and I needed to take control of my feelings. I got up from my chair and went to the board and picked up a pen. Before writing anything I turned round, because I felt that I needed to tell everyone how I felt at that moment. My voice was quivering with emotion when I said that I felt extremely threatened by what was going on. I then slowly drew a sun and a cloud on the board and explained that after the coffee break I had taught them, ‘the sun goes in, the sun is out’ with the graphics I had drawn on the board. I have taught this drill, hundreds of times,  it’s second nature for me to know the problems that the students will encounter. I was the person who was being patronized throughout the whole of this meeting. Having finished I then posed the question ”Please tell me how the students did not know what ‘the sun goes in’ meant”. I made no other comment that could be construed as a personal attack on him and I believe I did not make a single personal attack during the meeting, I at all times stated my points and stood by them. He had to admit that something was not quite right. Furthermore I would like to point out that he was working in Wells street that day and my class is in Regent’s street, is he really saying the students sought him out to ask him this question? They certainly have no problem asking me in the classroom clarification of anything they do not understand, so I can not see why they should go to him. I made no mention of this in the meeting. This was a direct attack on me personally and my professional ability to teach. A direct attempt, in public, to give those present the idea that I am incompetent as a teacher. Whilst I successfully showed that I had done my job as a teacher I do not feel that this type of behaviour is something that should be tolerated. I sincerely hope that the University is not going to foster an atmosphere of bullying by colleagues. On this point alone, Andrew Wakely should be disciplined and be asked to apologise, since to make an allegation of this nature in public without substantial proof to backup the statement that a teacher has been negiligent in their teaching practice, is behavior which in no way can be excused. 

4.           At one point I said that the language laboratory was mainly a revision session. The moment I said it Hugh jumped with a big “ah ha” and looked round quickly at everybody. The sort of action that means ”got him this time everybody”. He continued by saying, “teaching ‘so that’ is not revision for my class”. This is nitpicking of the highest order. Firstly, I was going on to say that I tell students that the exercises I do in the language laboratory are mainly a revision of the main English grammar structures, however there will be times when there may be an unfamiliar grammar forms and also some unknown vocabulary. Giving students the unknown reflects the reality of life and it also gives me the opportunity to help them with learning techniques to overcome such problems. Secondly, the vocabulary, ‘so’ and ‘that’ is not unknown to them and the enclosed photocopy shows that the concept of giving a reason with ‘that’ has also been covered. I had also previously done work on giving advice with a reason. So since he had not bothered to ask me a single question during his observation I would like to know how he could be so sure that he was correct. Thirdly, how does he know what I might have taught them? Another attack with no evidence to support it and plenty to disprove it. Another attempt  to prove my incompetence as a teacher in a public forum.  

5.               He then went on to volunteer his opinion about the technique of getting students to listen again and again to a particular pronunciation problem that students are having when trying to understand something. He said that this was demeaning to a student, implying that my teaching was a demeaning process to students. I asked him if any students had said anything to him and he said “no”. It was just his impression. Excuse me!!   He has the right to say this in a public forum without any evidence to back up his statement yet again. This is not a discussion on the merits or otherwise of the language laboratory, this is a direct attack on me and my character as a human being. It is also attacking my ability to judge to what extent I can push any one individual student to discover the meaning of a sound which I feel they could/should/might be able to find. I have a very precise learning technique, which most students fully appreciate and find useful in the learning environment of the language laboratory. An attack on my professional ability built up over many years of experience by somebody who admits he has hardly any experience of language laboratory teaching and comes in to observe a lesson for three-quarters an hour and is suddenly an expert on language laboratory teaching techniques. 

6.               He also stated that in some way I was able to brainwash students into accepting my ideas. This is a preposterous concept. Our students are all highly intelligent human beings who have minds of their own and are quite happy to disagree with points I make. Furthermore this is implying that in some way I try to apply undue pressure on them. I find this highly offensive. The reality is that whenever I ask students if a statement I make about learning is true I encourage them to disagree. The reason I do this is to make sure that what I am doing with them is valid from their perspective. Even on techniques that I know students should be using in order to get the best results in a language laboratory I will allow students to go their own way. Since Hugh Dellar did not ask me a single question about what I did, I fail to see how he can make this statement    

7.               Again while directing an answer to David, I was challenged when I made the statement that ‘Understanding and hearing your mistakes is a means of measuring learning’. 

One, if someone wants to interrupt they could at least wait until I have finished making my point. 

Two to throw your head back in the air and make a loud animal noise is the most contemptuous response a human being can make.    

Three to continue to confirm the contempt by saying this is complete rubbish is designed to kill any discussion on the matter. 

Two and three were Hugh’s method of challenging the above statement. Completely killing the answer I was giving to David. David’s question was in fact the only reasoned question asked throughout the whole time I was attempting to present my case. It was asking for clarification of points I had made and was the form that one would expect in mature and reasoned debate. The antics of the playground ought not to prevail in a business discussion. They certainly do not know me well enough to use such direct and confrontational techniques of communication. 

These were the most important challenges made, to what I feel, are perfectly valid truthful statements and false statements made about my competence and professionalism as a teacher. 

The main point of my complaint is that the points raised by me; 

a.      Are not sufficiently controversial or even controversial to warrant the challenges made. If any thing they are being controversial by challenging them. 

b.      Are challenges, which cannot be supported by any evidence. 

c.      Are attacks, which I personally, because I have information available only to me, felt were of a highly personal nature deliberately carried out to discredit me and my professional competence  in front of my line managers.

d.      Are based on the distortion of reality. 

e.      Were not the result of any argumentative style on my side since I had the floor and it was I who was being constantly interrupted and finding myself having to defend a position which was perfectly reasonable. 

The process I was involved in was an attempt to show that Russell Crew-Gee is a teacher who is not up to speed on modern teaching methods and is someone who will not listen to reason, incompetent, demeaning to students and therefore not fit to be a teacher at the University of Westminister.

All of which is totally false, the evidence I have produced shows quite clearly that I am up-to-date in the eyes of the students, secondly that it is not me who is incapable of listening to reason since all the statements I have made about teaching are in no way unreasonable and I have the total confidence of the majority of students. This meeting was not instigated because of a mass of complaints by students about my teaching methods in the language laboratory and any complaints that may have been made, have at no time been clarified in a manner that would identify a precise problem or notifoied to me.

 I found the whole experience highly offensive. It was the worst experience I have ever had in 27 years of teaching. 

As already stated, I had to tell the meeting, at the point where Andrew challenged me on point 3 above, that I felt personally threatened by what was happening. So this is not a complaint based on reflection it was the feeling of the moment and at the end of the meeting I expressed my concern again to Ken personally. 

I would like to know, how two mature professional teachers who admit to not having had much language laboratory experience, cannot ask a single question about the process, or any problems students might have technically, linguistically and personally. To show no interest whatsoever in the experience of a fellow professional in something they know very little about since they had had no previous knowledge about my personal approach to language laboratory teaching or the technical setup of the Language laboratory. Then having done that proceed to tear the reputation of that teacher to bits in public. For that matter,  I would like to know why management can listen to them so intently after this three-quarter of an hour experience they had in observing my lesson and then allow a person with years of experience to be torn apart and not give them the opportunity to present their case with the same degree of interest and quiet attention.

 Ken has to bear some responsibility for this because it was not the right forum in which to be asking the questions he asked. The subject of the meeting was supposed to be ‘Feedback’. I have to say I was very dubious about this but felt that with a willingness on the part of the other teachers perhaps to recognize how the language laboratory session can compliment the general classroom teaching sessions and be positive in working in a team environment, they would see the benefits.  However after Andy’s visit I was worried and I expressed this worry to a colleague, no mention of Andy, just to say that there was to be a group feedback session, and that persons remark was “Sounds like a Witchhunt”. Sadly that is what happened. In fact there should have been individual debriefing sessions. 

How would I like to see this resolved? 

1.         I would like to receive an honest and sincere apology from Hugh and Andy.

2.         I would like them to read all the evidence and not find excuses to deny the truth of what they  are reading and the evidence of students themselves. 

3.         To be asked if, when having read all the evidence, they can honestly say that Russell Crew-Gee is a teacher who does not have the confidence of his students and does not know what he is doing and hopefully say “No,” and that maybe he is someone who is worth listening to on occasion. 

4.         To accept that there are many different ways to teach. To accept that there are things that can be done in a language laboratory that cannot be done in the classroom, not because I say so but because that is the reality. In the future it will also become necessary to accept that there will be things that one can do in a Multi Media center that cannot be done in the general classroom. 

5.         That although they may think that their approaches are the best, they need to learn to respect other people’s approaches and not criticize anything that does not fit into their perspective of teaching for maybe it is the acceptance of certain teaching dogmas that are distorting their view of reality. Their attitude is the same mind set that is classed as racism, and bigotry in other contexts. 

6.             From management I would like to know,  that my experience and knowledge is given the respect it deserves and that any discussion on the future of the language laboratory is done in consultation with me before any plans, strategies etc. are presented to a wider audience and that people are fully briefed on the subject of a meeting. ( I do not feel that this is a major issue however I do feel that it needs to be addressed.) 

I respect their ideas, I have seen in the teacher development sessions what they have to say and on occasion although I have seen the merit of some of the things they have suggested I would also argue that there is an alternative view which is also valid. e.g. they give handouts to students, of language that has occurred naturally in a lesson. Great idea, however I would not do this since I prefer to encourage the students to write things down themselves. I mention this as an illustration of how there can be two ways of doing things. Both pedagogically sound. However the thing that really makes teaching work is the individual teacher and how they interact using their own techniques with the students. I may be stating the obvious, however it is not to sound patronizing, it is to qualify what I am hoping to achieve as an outcome from this unfortunate affair,  because I have the strongest feeling that the underlying cause of this attack is their lack of respect for me as a teacher and my ideas about teaching. 

Ken said that it was good to have argument, and that I gave as good as I got. Not true, this was not a discussion/debate/argument on the philosophies of teaching, it was a highly personalized attack on me. I know the difference. I did not give as good as I got,  for I was on all points, only standing my ground and defending a position. If I had given as good as I had got they would not have left the meeting still laughing in contempt and making derogatory statements. Any personal attack by me would have been on the lines of little children using playground tricks to ridicule. At no time did they use the mature form of social interruption (Could I come in here/Excuse me may I ask question/Sorry to interrupt can you.....etc.) On each and every occasion it was an emphatic direct attack on a statement I had made. At one point they actual accused me of being argumentative or words to that effect (playing to the audience) and I pointed out to them that it was they who had actual start that particular line of argument. Are they the only ones allowed to make statements and defend them without being called argumentative? 

I have talked to Caroline ............... and whilst she said that they believed what they were saying, she also said that it got too personal and should not be left as it is. Whether she meant I also was too personal in my defense or not I do not know,  however she is saying they to were too personal also and it was two against one throughout this. 

In conclusion I would like to say that I intend to take this as far as it needs to go to see that fairness, justice and reason are applied. 

Attached to this document are the following documents. 

1.        The student's work and comments,  who is the subject of point 1. 

2.        The results of a survey given to all students during the week I was observed, in all cases except class 5 this was given on the same day as the observation. 

3.        Further documents from different classes showing the problems the students have in understanding grammar words in context.

 4.       A photocopy from Innovations showing a contracted form of ‘so that’ being used to introduce a reason. 

6        I feel that it is relevant to include photocopies of cards and their contents that I have received from students, in order to show that my beliefs and ideas on teaching have a beneficial effect and Hugh and Andy should take note of what students have to say and respect those comments. These comments are 1998 to 2000.  A selection, there are many more. Not yesterday’s man, up-to-date and still turning students on.  

A list of documentary evidence to support almost every statement I have made and to show the attitude of these two members of staff towards their colleagues. Can they produce any documentary evidence to support any of their arguments or is it just a biased personal opinion based on acceptance of theoretical ideas that do not necessarily apply in practice? Maybe too much theory and not enough reality is blinding them to the truth. However this is no excuse for their highly personal attack underlined by a personal prejudice that interferes with their professionalism towards not only me but other members of staff also. I am not the only person who feels that their interpersonal skills leave a lot to be desired. Their total lack of sensitivity to what they were doing can only mean that this was a deliberately (whether consciously or sub-consciously) vicious attempt to discredit a senior lecturer in front of management.  






 Dear Russell Please take this website down. If you still wish to give a public description of these events, I am happy for you to repurpose your material and direct it at me, as the manager responsible for setting up the primary event, rather than Hugh, and giving the website the address, ‘www.ken-paterson-’ … however you wish to continue. You can contact me by the email address that I have supplied when submitting this comment. Best wishes Ken 





Russell Crew-Gee 
9 May 2024, 17:46

Hi Ken,

Surprise, surprise. Fascinating. Two questions before I answer your comment in full.

1. You were not at IATEFL 2024 in Brighton where I handed out a few leaflets advertising the website after clearing it with an IATEFL executive. Hence I would like to know how you came to learn about the site.

2. I would like an intellectual professional explanation why Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley are so important that your emotional loyalty to them means you are willing to place yourself at risk.

Best regards,



Mon, 13 May, 10:46 

Hi Russ Thanks very much for getting in touch. Apologies for the length of my message, but it’s the only way I can address the issues raised around my discovery of the site, my loyalty to staff members, my role in the dispute, and my aim in contacting you via your site. Hugh told me about your website. I think he was right to do this, since I am mentioned throughout the text on the site. On the same day that Hugh contacted me, I was separately contacted by another member of the ELT community (not part of our EFL unit at Westminster), so I suppose I would have found out about the site anyway. My response, the message I posted on the site, was entirely my own. If Hugh had launched a website with an address such as ‘www.russell-crew-gee-the (derogatory term).net’ as a vehicle for personal criticism of you, and you had drawn it to my attention, I can assure you I would have asked him to take it down. My loyalty to you as a teacher and high regard for your classroom skills cannot be in doubt. I expressed it over the years by timetabling you across the provision with confidence that you would do the job well. In my time, I was and am loyal to all the teaching staff, and not a ‘new manager’ with a ‘clique’ promoting a specific idea of teaching, and disrespecting the longer-serving members of the unit and their more traditional pedagogical approaches. I joined the unit in 1987 and was steeped in its history and traditions. I supported MF, for example, and her love of teaching through literature. I encouraged DH, who would certainly have regarded himself as a traditionalist, to continue teaching in the unit after his retirement. I assisted MS in setting up his accredited business modules; Mike remembered this when he was dying and asked a close friend to invite me to attend his funeral, which I did, of course. I made JP the mainstay of our Cambridge Proficiency courses. My deputy, DG, was one of the longest-serving members of the unit. I even broke university rules to keep our old hand PN teaching into his eighties on the summer school! Outside the teaching sphere, I kept PS and EM within the fold, after my appointment, by advocating for their new positions as Blue Badge guide and counsellor respectively. These are not the actions of a new broom, determined to sweep aside the eclectic mix of teaching styles in favour of a ‘clique’.  This whole affair began more than twenty years ago, but I’ll do my best to remember what happened. It began with my feeling we needed to be able to show to ourselves and to inspectors how the language laboratory sessions, only one aspect of your teaching, Russ, were integrated into the students’ overall course. I thought that if I made provision for your peers to observe one of your sessions and then brought us together to exchange ideas, we might all benefit. Clearly, that didn’t work. My point here is that the painful relationship between you and Hugh originated inadvertently in a process that I set up and that therefore it might be better to make me the subject of your comments rather than Hugh. The sad aftermath was exacerbated, in my view, by the University’s underwhelming complaints procedure. These procedures, even if effective, tend not to work unless you are able to remove one of the two parties from the local area. If you can’t, then normal interactions are impossible: the person lodging the complaint still feels aggrieved, and the person complained against, already fearful of the damage to their reputation should the complaint be upheld, is aware that anything they say or do, or even a gesture, can be added to the original complaint or be the source of a new complaint. Meanwhile, the local manager, in a system that is less than robust, rather than being offered support in complaint resolution, is given conflicting advice often within the space of a week, on whether they should intervene or not. All I’m asking is that you consider taking down this website since it is, I think, a needless continuation of old animosities, or that you edit it so that it becomes an account from your point of view of the relevant events, accompanied, as you will, by your criticism of the people involved and a description of the stress that all this has obviously caused you, rather than a specific attack on Hugh. In my opinion, such a new piece should be hosted on a site of your own, rather than one labelled ‘Hugh Dellar, the bully’. Your record of events would still be a public one, which is what you want. I may give Hugh a copy of this reply in the interests of transparency, but not a copy of your messages to me, which are at your disposal. If you feel able to follow one of my suggestions above, I will assure you, as far as it is within my power, that Hugh will not make any further public reference to these matters. As things stand, it is unsurprising that he would want to defend himself, as you or I would in similar circumstances. 

All the best Ken           


22 May 2024, 13:53

 Hi Russ You haven’t replied to my message of 13 May, so I’m writing to give you some peace of mind in knowing that I will make no further attempts to persuade you to take down or change the site in question. I was very sorry to read on the site of your continuing distress and hope that, as far as this matter is concerned, life will now be easier for you. Best wishes Ken Ken 


Russell Crew-Gee
23 May 2024, 10:23

 Hi Ken Will be replying shortly. Russ.  


Ken23 May 2024, 16:43

Thanks, Russ. Best, Ken



Russell Crew-Gee 
24 May 2024, 17:27

Hi Ken, (I am using brackets as this is in response to your second email. Everything after the bracket I can assure you was written before your email although some points have been added or changed in the proof reading, nothing however connected to your second email. I must say it was a pleasant surprise to know you are not contesting the site anymore. It was also nice to read your humane response as well, something which had been lacking in your comment on the site and your first email. It made me wonder what had caused the total change of heart. The reason it has taken time to respond is the time it has taken to consider the best response to the points you raised and bring an even greater clarity to what happened. Also, a need to consult with others. Thank you for your kind comments and I hope you do not think I have been too harsh on you.) 

Thanks for the response. This could be quite lengthy as well. I would like to say also that I am sorry if some of the things I have to say may seem a little unkind however you are no longer my manager and I do not have to play the employment game, and be constrained in what I wish to say. Which brings me to my first point. I received notification of your comment via email and opened it on my phone and the first words I saw were, “Please take this site down”. My first thought was, “Or else what”. No introduction, no explanation, no expression of sympathy. It came across as an order was my emotional interpretation.
Then I was surprised to read you wanted me to direct the story at you as the protagonist, surprise at your suggestion and that you had contacted me, hence my first question.
I also thought it a good opportunity to see if you could define why you hold Hugh and Andrew in such high regard that you would believe anything they said without question and would act as Hugh’s standard bearer. You did not provide any criticism in relation to anything said on the site, instead the only criticism was one about my comments regarding a clique. Not a word about anything else which presumable means there is nothing else which can be challenged. Which would be difficult since the written evidence is clear. It is an honest and clear explanation of the Factual Reality of the bullying events which led to my career being cut short. As for your point about a clique, it was not about you, I said “their clique” not “his clique” and later on the clique becomes clear as it is related to Hugh. I have a memory which I am not sure about, some people including Hugh who came in had worked together at another school, you could probably confirm this. I have no complaint about you and your character, and I can fully appreciate how you were loyal to other members of staff, however this did not apply to me on a professional level with regard to the Language Laboratory since the criticism I have of your actions is a certain level of weakness where Hugh and Andrew were concerned, who were very definitely not steeped in the unit’s history and tradition. They did not involve themselves in the team ethos from the very beginning refusing point blank to liaise with me regarding the LL. Hugh and Andrew and their group of friends were the ones who were the new broom determined to change the ethos of the unit not you. Sad to hear of Mike's death, we always got on well together, as I recall, both of us having similar criticisms of the DELTA course we did at Hammersmith. Before continuing I would like to apologise for anything which might offend you since I always felt at heart you are a very decent human being. Now to the crux. As I recall and according to the paperwork still in my possession, the British Council had never raised any question as to the Language Laboratories use in the scheme of teaching over the years. It had always seemed perfectly obvious the lower level of classes utilize the obvious advantages of a LL which had been established over decades of their use in language schools around the world. As exemplified by Brita Haycraft’s analysis which is reproduced on the website. I also recall it was a join decision to help people have a clearer idea of the advantages of the weekly sessions. Where you were at fault as the manager was not notifying anyone of the subject of the discussion afterwards, I remember being somewhat surprised at the reason you gave, “If we were to start from scratch with Language Laboratory sessions how would we do it”, no mention whatsoever of the “inspectors”.
I remained silent throughout everyone’s contribution, even though David encouraged me at times to contribute, as I wanted to hear what everyone had to say. As explained on the website when I started to explain from the years of experience of using LLs I was constantly interrupted and at no point did either you or David silence the interruptions. When Hugh blew a raspberry at a perfectly valid academic statement, silence. In any other professional setting the manager would have pulled the person up for such an insulting response and reprimanded them. You however allowed the negativity to flow, with accusations which were pure lies. Neither Hugh or Andrew could produce any written evidence to back up their hearsay, all inadmissible in a court of law.

Why do you think I got every student in every class to fill in a survey asking for their ideas on the Language Laboratory? I was already more than aware of the negative feelings towards myself and undefined objections to the Language Laboratory and knew, having been teaching the students for quite some time they were in no way hostile towards me. Also shown by the three students who were more than happy to sign the statements contradicting the bizarre accusations of me being like a Sergeant Major and Primary school teacher. Not one student replied in the negative, examples from 3 students from each class are shown on the website. I have all the others in my possession. I will repeat it again here, at the point where I said I had these surveys Hugh and Andrew made excuses to leave, as they always do when challenged. How is it none of the negatives expressed had ever been brought up before, a point I was unable to point out due to the constant interruptions.

This is the crux in relation to yourself since it is your poor or biased management which is at fault. The website is about Hugh and Andrew’s character and not about your poor management in not censuring them for lying, as clearly shown by the survey of students.
Furthermore if we want to discuss the usage of Language Laboratories in the learning environment surely the one group we need to hear from is the students themselves. As I recall you did not ask to see the surveys. I am also going to attach a file regarding a survey I carried out in consultation with Jack Lonergan at the University. I’ll let you guess which teachers were uncooperative. I am going to tell you what happened when I worked individually with a student who was having a problem in repeating the sound they were hearing and was getting frustrated. I would ask them to listen to me. I would turn my head away from them and repeat the sound and what I found interesting the student always managed to repeat the sound and come to understand the word after a maximum of 2/3 repetitions. The majority of problems which were prominent throughout the years were precisely the grammar words which were contracted at highspeed. Something Andrew found difficult to understand. Shame he did not have the respect towards someone of far greater experience and learnt something new about student problems. Dellar and Walkley’s problem then and today, the devastating emotion of, arrogance. As for the University’s complaints procedure this could have been avoided by you giving Hugh and Andrew a written warning, since every independent person I have shown the evidence to has said if it had happened in their school with the written evidence contradicting his claim of students being belittled and persuaded they all had bad pronunciation and in particular Hugh’s disgraceful patronising raspberry they would both have been in big trouble. Colleagues just do not act in this way when best professional practise is observed. Do you honestly believe I told each student their pronunciation was bad let alone stood in front of them and told them? The only person being belittled in that meeting was Russell Crew-Gee.

You could also have demanded the two of them attended a meeting whereby they were shown the results of the survey and challenged as to why they had lied and been asked to apologise. Furthermore, bearing in mind, Caroline, the only truly independent person there, particularly in light of David not reporting Andrew’s change of story in an email to him, had quite clearly said it got too personal and even yourself admitted it as well. David also was not an innocent recorder with some very biased and misleading reporting. People who have read the minutes have asked me what I had done to deserve such an onslaught of personal attack. At least 3 people in that meeting were not willing to listen to 30 years of LL experience.

Your fault in this was during and after the meeting and as far as I am concerned very poor or biased and weak management decisions.

I would be interested to know what conflicting advice you were given and at what stage. I still have most of the paperwork and I have to say at the end where I was being told I could no longer say good morning to Hugh and you were believing the Emotional Realities he was creating, the lies where I was even being condemned for gathering evidence which exonerated me, I found astounding. As for the University’s procedure I would love to know why Keith Phillips, Margaret Blunden and Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas treated me with contempt when I had never met them.

Some days I was crying going into work, I was also going to put my life at risk to have the truth revealed and even now where you have the written evidence clearly laid out you have shown no empathy for what I suffered. My life has changed out of all recognition, I lost 6 or 7 years of pension contributions a career I loved and dedicated myself to, all because of such a low level of intelligence which was incapable of showing kindness, respect and empathy towards their colleagues and basic intellectual analysis of evidence. I say colleagues because it would be interesting to know why Dr Michael Heller’s statement was not taken into account by the senior management and yourself. You had also seen comments from my students so you could have shown them to Hugh and tell him I was highly respected by students. His highly insulting email disrespecting me both as a person and a teacher as shown on the website, which you also had seen, would not have been tolerated in any well run, decent professional environment. People do not talk to their colleagues in this manner and again another example of your poor or biased management since there was no reprimand. There were also other members of staff who were not overly fond of Hugh’s attitude. He seemed to be above the law, he refused to obey your directive to observe normal social interaction.

You did not answer my question as to why you place Hugh on a pedestal. I told the story of his Brighton talk, because I believe he was having a go at me and more importantly to show his lack of teaching skill to use the opportunity to remind a student that sometimes when something does not make sense conceptually maybe they are creating the wrong words from the sound they have captured. It happens frequently in all mother tongue languages. There are other well-known people in ELT who also do not have much regard for Hugh either, so I am not alone in believing he is not the font of all EFL teaching knowledge. His talk in Brighton on listening left a lot to be desired and many points to be challenged.

I need to tell you your words come across as if you still think you are my manager and also it seems you did not read the story with any depth of analysis or for that matter empathy. We are just independent human beings with loyalty solely to ourselves now, this is between Dellar and myself. Also, if Hugh had launched a website with my name, first I would not have contacted you, I fight my own battles as you ought to know by now and secondly there is nothing negative he could prove with any evidence against me.
Hugh Dellar is driven by Emotional Reality in regard to me and hence his use of misrepresentation, to put it mildly, which is exemplified by his response to my comments on the TEFL Workers Union where he said I had more complaints made against me than any other teacher, you could maybe put him right on this and anything he says is hearsay. I have clear written evidence he has lied at least once about his students. Incidentally I have never in the whole of my teaching career ever told a single student they had bad pronunciation let alone a whole class. Maybe in your response to this you can assure me I was subject to no more complaints than any other teacher. There were certainly no complaints about any of my General English classes, my Speaking Skills classes, or my evening FCE classes. In fact I have a letter to you signed by a whole class saying how much they respected me and were unhappy I was leaving. He also acted like a childish bully in laughing, enjoying my accusation as opposed to denying it, and revelling in what he thought was my defeat. Quite the reverse, money is quite strong admittance of wrong doing and it was unfinished business for me, hence a certain sentence I insisted should be in the agreement I signed with the University and which I am now using to analyse academically the actions which took place and their relationship to the nature of bullying which occurs in the workplace.

One final point, your name is not mentioned on the website, just your first name and there are millions of Kens in the world, I was very careful regarding that aspect. You have revealed yourself. Ken, you in no way were responsible for Dellar and Walkley’s unfounded personal attack on my teaching ability and attitude towards students, that was entirely of their making and was the cause of me having to leave a career I loved and the students who appreciated my approach to teaching, plus a level of poor working practises by management in handling the situation. I cannot hold you responsible for their actions. The management decisions are ones which take place in workplaces on a regular basis, Emotional relationship in denial of Factual Reality. With regard to my classroom teaching and knowledge, I would remind you, Dellar and Walkley never witnessed it, and in any other school I have taught in, including International House, I was listened to with respect, as were other teachers. I once gave a lecture at the University of Maputo, whilst I was a Director of Studies in Mozambique. I have the advantage now of being able to consult with people who work under the auspices of Ofsted and their best working practises, and know that what happened to me would not be tolerated by Ofsted or in any truly professional environment. The website is also created in the name of the Anti-Bullying Campaign, since that was what I was subjected to day after day by the refusal to acknowledge my existence daily to tell me in their eyes I was a total waste of space and a useless teacher. You ought to be ashamed of yourself as a human being that you would support such treatment of another human being who was highly respected both as a human being and an excellent teacher by 99.8% of the students he taught as shown by their written words. After reading this I trust you will support me in exposing Dellar and Walkley for the inhuman manner in which they treated a colleague and are still willing to lie to maintain their misrepresentation of myself. However, having said all that if they can find it in their psyche to admit they were wrong and apologise profusely in a way which is genuine, it will all end and the website will be taken down. You could be the catalyst which could make it happen. I went to Brighton with 500 leaflets advertising the website, intending to flood the place with them. Freedom of Expression and to Protest and all that, luckily for all concerned circumstances conspired otherwise, there was no Q & A session after Dellar’s talk, and due to my humanity and Louise Atkins of IATEFL. The fact knowledge of it has reached you means it is being disseminated within EFL circles so I can take much satisfaction it is being seen.

Had Hugh responded differently in my accusation of him on the TEFL Workers Union twitter page plus their response to it, echoing a similar pattern to management at the University none of this would have happened. Sadly, it reflects what happens in the majority of bullying situations both at work and in schools and it is well past time society got to grips with it and stopped blaming the victims and dealt with the instigators. So these are my thoughts on your email and some general ideas on how Emotional Reality is so often accepted in denial of Factual Reality.

Finally to emphasis the Factual Reality of evidence the Language Laboratory is an excellent method of learning a language. As a result of the Internet and mobile phones we all now have a digital tape recorder in our pockets and a cheap way to learn a foreign language. Social media is awash with language learning programs based directly on a digital listening and recording process. This makes a mockery of Dellar’s, “Nothing can be taught in a LL”. Millions of people have learnt a foreign language without any face-to-face lesson with another human being, which just confirms it was not about Language Laboratories and everything to do with Russell Crew-Gee. It would be fascinating to know what exactly caused this resentment towards me since I had certainly never main any derogatory comments about previous to this meeting. In the scheme of team teaching a highly experienced dedicated teacher devoting 40 minutes to a LL session followed by a general English session after the coffee break made perfect sense and had been running successfully for over 10 years. As had the summer school sessions as well. WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM

As for your comment regarding Hugh making further public reference to these matters, I would welcome them if he had the humanity (guts) to allow a response. So far the only reference he has made so far is through you. The problem he has is there is no defence to anything has to say, it would just be another Emotional Reality. I have no intention of letting the matter drop and will be exploiting any opportunity to let the world of EFL know the character of Dellar and Walkley and fight to have recognised the bullying aspects involved. His contribution to language learning and the subtleties of language has produced nothing new nor increased the speed of retention. You might like to explore my website on Emolinguistics, which in this day and age of Emotional upheaval has much to offer all societies in recognising ‘The Emotional Being’. In reference to your original comment and emails, I would like to thank you for your contribution to the site. Look forward to hearing your thoughts. 
Best wishes,



30 May 2024, 09:10

 Thank you very much for your message, Russ, and for taking the time to make a comprehensive description of your position. Once again, I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy for you. The stress, anxiety and pain that you describe must have been very difficult for you to bear. I tried to deal with the situation between you and Hugh as well as I could within my own limitations as a manager. It is a source of regret to me that I was unable to resolve the dispute. Please be assured that I had no malicious or underhand intent. I valued you as a colleague and as a person. My blunt comment on your website can be explained by the distress I felt by what I saw as an escalation of a situation that has already caused so much pain. My first email message was an attempt to answer your two questions, to comment briefly on the original source of the dispute and to repeat, less bluntly, my original request for you to take down or reframe your website. While I was waiting for your reply, it occurred to me that you might be thinking that I would pursue this matter further in a way that you might find stressful, and so I wrote my second email to address this. The website in question worried me and it seemed wrong to me not to say this, and to make a request, which still stands, for you to reconsider its publication. You’re right to point out that I am no longer your line manager, and to make it clear that you are well able to fight your own battles. I don’t believe, as a private citizen, I can have any further helpful role in this matter. I worked my way through your Emolinguistics website. It is a fascinating area and you have done well, in my opinion, to describe your contribution to it. You may remember that I offered you an opportunity to present a paper on the subject at a small conference held at the School of Languages, and that I made extensive comments on the written material that you produced at the time. The survey which you carried out in consultation with Jack Lonergan, who has sadly passed away, is a very useful contribution to the debate on the role of the teacher and technology in the language learning process. It should give you some satisfaction that the pendulum has swung somewhat the other way, and the case for teacher-centred classroom practice has been more strongly made in recent times than it was when you were an advocate. As for the use of language laboratories, you might remember that I made specific provision for you to train our teaching staff. Take-up was negatively affected, as ever, in my opinion, by a simple fear of technology. With the best will in the world, I would prefer not to take up the other points in your message. They all seem to me to be geared towards the continuation of your dispute with Hugh. You will probably disagree but I think it is time, if you can possibly do so, to draw this matter to a close, for your sake as much as anyone else’s. Your commitment to the wider anti-bullying cause is commendable, but should not, perhaps, revolve solely around one individual. 

Best wishes as ever Ken  



Russell Crew-Gee
Fri, 7 Jun, 18:13

Hi Ken. Sorry it's taken time again, however as explained in my last email I consult with others and also I take time in considering the best way to respond and everything is factual. 

My response is attached as a word file so you can see the references relating to your email. I would love as much as you for this to all to end and it is a very simple process, however I think Hugh and Andrew are tow arrogant to admit their lies. 

I feel confident your humanity would have no problem in apologising, leastwise I am hoping so.

.What will be, will be. Amazing how much emotion can be carried in three wee grammar words.

Look forward to your response.

With very best wishes.


P.S. If you believe Emolinguistics is fascinating I think we could make quite a good team in promoting the potential it has for teaching children this aspect of life and language and a highly instructive subject of academic study in universities around the world.   


I was hoping for a sincere apology since it is clear a major mistake was made and Hugh and Andrew were lying and had you acted in the beginning to make it clear to them that academic approaches to teaching need to be discussed with respect for all ideas and not delivered with obvious venom and distortions of reality disrespecting colleagues, bearing in mind I was not the only person who was subjected to this disrespect as Dr Michael Heller made clear in his witness statement. It would not have escalated to the extent it did and their obvious acts on a day-to- day basis of ignoring social greetings were the actions associated with bullying. At no point have you challenged anything I have written so as a human being you ought not find it that difficult to say having reassessed the whole saga you could tell Hugh and Andrew that they were wrong and you ought to have handled it differently. As you admit, your limitations restricted your ability to handle it properly at the time and now with a greater insight and knowledge you can see that I deserve a heartfelt apology. I can assure you there is nothing you could say or do if you were to pursue the matter which I would have found stressful since there is nothing which you or anyone can say or do to disprove the Factual Reality of what happened. Dellar’s bullying laughing response was the escalation, if he had shown more maturity in his answer, I would not have been inspired to tell the story. Then there is the “vexatious” comment. All my complaints can be supported by clear evidence. The only vexatious complaints were all his, from the comments in the 2001 meeting to his laughable complaint about a newspaper being opened in front of him. There is sadly nothing you have said or questions you have answered which would cause me to take down the site. You said in your second email you would make no further attempts to persuade me to take down the site and yet here you repeat your request. As pointed out I believe you could play a role by informing Hugh you have apologised for your role and you are persuaded they acted in a bullying manner and their attack on my ability as a teacher were in no way backed up by Factual Reality as clearly shown in all the written evidence of the students themselves. First of all, thank you for your kind comments on Emolinguistics, other than it was not a contribution as such, it was all my own ideas which brought it into the human vocabulary. I am glad you find it a fascinating area since I am having great difficulty in having it accepted by a wider audience. The development since I was at the University is the firming up of the two concepts of Emotional Reality and Factual Reality and their relationship to truth. Also my observations have also confirmed psychology’s findings that people reveal their own mind, inner self, when they falsely accuse other people of actions which they themselves are guilty of. They actually describe perfectly the state of our world today and the past in terms of the human ability to handle Emotional Concepts, since language creates and defines a human being subject to the environment in which they inhabit. Also, my observations have also confirmed psychology’s findings people reveal their own mind, their inner self, when they falsely accuse other people of actions which they themselves are guilty of. Emolinguistics opens up a multitude of interesting areas of language and I had been hoping that my position at a university would have helped promote the concept in both the academic world and society. This was also destroyed by the LL saga. Maybe you would like to join me in promoting the concept, only too happy to go through the lecture with you. Secondly a confession, I have no memory of the opportunity to present a paper and no memory of writing any material. My memory is not as good as it used to be however where Emolinguistics is concerned my memory is normally pretty clear and I am sure I remember all the presentations I have given. Do you have any those materials in your possession as I have searched all my old files and can find no record of them. Thank you once again for positive comments regarding the survey since I believe it was possibly the first ever survey of students attitudes to all the teaching techniques teachers use in the classroom. I was also aware that Jack had passed away because I have been in contact with Peter McGee who was a close friend of his. The question on technology produced a very interesting result which possibly accounts for the success of various technologies over the years and now the rash of language learning programs which are flooding social media and can be found in any internet search. Will AI eventually see the end of face to face learning as VR is developed. The point being made is that all of Hugh and Andrews objections were based on ignorance of the advantages of Language Laboratory use and were about my competence as a teacher. This is the crux of the problem. Your unwillingness to address the main points and accept your own role and admitting that both Hugh and Andrew were lying throughout the whole saga ensures justice will never be satisfied. Ask any independent person to read all the evidence and they agree the evidence is clear. This is not just a single dispute between two people it is about the whole process which I was subjected to by a group of people with Dellar and Walkley instigating and leading the attack. Acts of daily personal abuse are matters which need to be addressed irrespective of the time passed. The latest in my admitted libelous post on the TEFL Workers Union actually confirmed my accusation in his laughing reply and slanderous comments about my reputation with students, confirming his bullying attitude, and glorifying his role. The last point you can easily dispute and correct which surely is something you ought to be pleased to do. Furthermore, what about any conference we both attend, am I going to have to listen to his lies like the Language Laboratory misrepresentation he made in his talk in Brighton. In relation to the bullying cause, it is not about one individual it is about the process and the role and actions of all the people involved since the meeting in 2001. A human process which takes place in many other working environments and therefore maybe it is time for a law insisting that in any bullying case an independent person or persons need to review the evidence in order that personal relationships and social positions within organisations play no part in determining the facts of any case. I am not a victim, I am someone who is fighting for Factual Reality to be recognised and justice to be done, so when you say for my sake, then you need to realise when you say that the best action for my sake is to admit the errors of judgment and analysis. All of Dellar’s pronouncements are personal comments without any evidence other than the Emotional Realities of his mind which are in denial of Factual Reality. A further example from the meeting is that the students had been coming to the LL for a number of weeks so how is it all his complaints had not been mentioned by the students before? Is it not time you faced up to the Reality of that meeting? I was lucky that Dr. MG joined as the new Vice-chancellor who was sympathetic to my position. I also had a two-hour meeting with the Finance Director who was also very sympathetic, expressing the view that he wished he had been advised of the situation earlier. I would still like to know why Keith P, Margaret B and Rikki M treated me with contempt when I had never met them. I left the University with people believing I was a not a good teacher, when my evening classes were packed, my afternoon classes were packed, my Language Laboratory classes were packed and students themselves were writing wonderful comments about my teaching. In one sentence you say you “express your heartfelt sympathy, the stress, anxiety and pain that you describe must have been very difficult for you to bear and then you show you don’t care enough to apologise and admit Dellar and Walkley lied and you enabled this to happen on an ongoing process. What is so special about these two men you find it beyond your human sense of justice to accept the unchallengeable evidence of their lies and bullying behaviour which Dellar finds so enjoyable. Possibly your distress at learning about the website and wanting it closed is because you are not proud about this episode in your life whereas I am very proud of my teaching and have a right to defend both my character and teaching and wish for the world to know the Factual Reality of my time at the University of Westminster and the abominable treatment I was subjected to and still am by Dellar. It needs to be disseminated. I always considered you a decent human being although this became challenging when you started criticising me for collecting evidence proving Dellar wrong in his lies and when at the end I was condemned for wishing to be able to say “Good morning” to colleagues. It’s all in written evidence. “Russell, having read all the evidence again and with the maturity of time I can confirm students did not complain about you and you did not make unfounded vexatious complaints and I would like to say I was wrong in not condemning Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley for the total distortions of reality they made in attacking your teaching and I would like to apologise unreservedly for the limitations in my management of the way you were treated by myself and everyone concerned in the attacks on your character and teaching. As I have already stated I have the greatest respect for you as a person and as a teacher and so did all your students.” Imagine all this happening to your best friend, your child, your partner, family. This is caring about the stress, anxiety and pain suffered by a human being who did nothing wrong. That is the injustice I have been fighting from the very beginning back in 2001. Do you respect a human being who takes pleasure in belittling and destroying other human careers and lives? 



K Ken
Tue, 18 Jun, 17:07

Hi Russ Thank you very much for your message. Let me say from the start of mine that I am very sorry for the format and conduct of the meeting on 7 March 2001. No-one expressed their concerns to me beforehand, but I was short-sighted in assuming that everyone would be comfortable with the arrangements. In retrospect, I appreciate that I didn’t foresee the risks of confrontation that it posed, and I agree with you that the terms of reference could have been clearer. In addition, during the meeting itself, I was insufficiently alert to the deleterious effect it was having on you. I felt that Hugh and Andrew’s vociferous criticisms were aimed at a particular technique that you were using, rather than at you as a teacher, in which capacity you were highly-valued by me and my management colleagues, as evidenced by our timetabling of you across the provision, and by the students whose positive comments you quote on the website in question. Like any manager, I made mistakes; where these affected you in the period of time after the meeting, I apologise sincerely. I always took the decisions that felt right to me at the time. Looking back, however, in the light of the suffering you describe, of course I have doubts about my own conduct. 

From this standpoint in time, I have very little recollection of specific complaints made by students about any members of our staff, including you, except in the case of the few but difficult occasions when I felt it was appropriate to arrange a formal interview with a particular member of staff. 

You were not one of these teachers. 

And my second, short email message to you was not a withdrawal of my original request, but rather a reassurance to you that I would not pursue the matter by repeating it in future or by putting any further pressure on you. You still have that reassurance. I can assure you that I would not want anyone to go through the suffering that you describe. Until last month, I had no idea that this dispute was such a continuing source of distress to you twenty years after the events at issue, and I was very sorry to hear it. In conclusion, let me just say that I did not intervene in this situation either to censure you for setting up the website in question or to condemn Hugh and Andrew. I am not in a position to do that. In asking you to remove or reframe the website, I have simply tried to do what I can on a personal level to prevent the revival of a dispute between people who were my colleagues. As far as Emolinguistics is concerned, it is kind of you to suggest a collaboration with me. However, I should point out that I retired from education and language training five years ago and turned to other things. All I do these days in TEFL is promote or edit my backlist. The conference I mentioned stays in my memory because it was the only one that I organised. I have no documentation on it, but I remember your presentation, which involved, I think, reference to a newspaper article where certain words were assigned ‘positive’, ‘negative’ or ‘neutral’ tags. Around that time, you were also contemplating the submission of an article on Emolinguistics, which you showed to me and on which I made comments. Very best wishes Ken 



Russell Crew-Gee 
23 Jun 2024, 13:55

First of all, I was putting off writing to you asking about a reply and had just started to write about half an hour before your reply arrived, and am so pleased I didn’t have to construct a message with language having to deal with perhaps the worst form of mental bullying, ignoring the existence of another human being. The process which Hugh and Andrew employ. An action which in reality confirms the bully’s inability to defend their actions. My apologies for the wait for all my replies, however I like to be sure what I have written is correct, also so often one thinks of something one ought to have said (this last sentence is the last thing I have added) and also I have it proof read by an educationalist not just for mistakes, also for logic and accuracy.

Secondly thank you so much for what my wife has described as “lovely and honest”. My thanks come from deep within since you have made it plain that Hugh’s accusation in our latest confrontation accusing me of complaints from students are totally untrue. The statement which more than anything inspired the creation of the website, plus the attitude of the TEFL Workers Union defence of him, reminded me of the same human process I was subjected to at the University.

The fact you use the word “vociferous” in describing their attitude helps in regard to the meeting since in a normal academic discussion of techniques there is no earthly reason why people need to be so animated since respect for colleagues ought to prevail. Further to this it was not just a “particular” technique, there were at least three different areas they brought up, plus Hugh blowing a raspberry is something which should never be tolerated in a professional discussion. All it was on topic in relation to your subject area for discussion. However, thank you for confirming once more I was highly-valued by yourself and your management colleagues, although I would still love to know why Ricki accused me of teaching by rote. Also, your acceptance that your conduct was possibly at fault is a major source of comfort. Although what baffles me the most is the ignoring of what the students had indicated in their written evidence, TOTALLY contradicted anything Hugh and Andrew were accusing me of, which is why it plays such a prominent role in the presentation of the website. The ‘Teacher knows best’ attitude which can apply for children, in no way applies to adults when inquiring about their feelings regarding how they are being taught. This more than anything ought to be raising your doubts and needs to be accepted as the major reason for condemning their actions. An undeniable Factual Reality underpinning the injustice I was subjected to, innocent of anything I was being accused of. All that being said, I repeat, my most sincere thanks for spending time in engaging with me and confirming I was a highly respected teacher who was not subjected to complaints as Dellar accuses me of in our interaction on the TEFL Workers Union twitter page. Regarding Emolinguistics, thank you for reminding me of the presentation. I think the reason it is not in my memory is because I referred to it as ‘The Language of Emotion’ at that point in time and I talked about the exercise I carried out analysing three newspaper articles on the death of Samora Machel, the president of Mozambique. The three newspapers being Left, Right and Centre politically and therefore predictable in the image they would paint of him emotionally. It was the Eureka moment for me. It has moved on since then to encompass all aspects of human life and not just a language exercise. I believe, (a highly emotional concept) it provides an answer to most of life’s ills, the concepts of Emotional Reality Vs Factual Reality define precisely the cause of all the negative state of the global human society and conflicts. It defines the problem which has brought us together again. I am guessing you are making a career out of fictional writing? Hugh’s emotional belief, based on no evidence he can provide whatsoever, "I am a terrible teacher", as opposed to the written Factual Reality provided by my students and his own students to the contrary plus your own contribution as the manager of the unit we both worked in. 

I would also like to thank you for confirming you are the decent honest human being I always considered you to be and why I only made passing references to your role on the website and also which may also account for why even now you are loath to condemn Hugh and Andrew’s actions in the meeting and subsequent actions not wanting to jeopardize in any way your relationship with them.

There is one other aspect which might be worth considering, I could achieve a level of social influence, I am working hard at it, which could well result in this story becoming more widely known, just a thought. There is also a very simple solution to that possibility.

There is one thing I would like to know is why the EFL unit at the University was closed down considering so many Universities have an EFL unit. One more short response and we can move on, although it has been interesting reconnecting.


Best wishes,



4 Jul 2024, 17:09

 Hi Russ Thanks very much for your message and your kind remarks. Here are replies to points you raise, in the order that they occur in your message, and then, as you imply, I believe we have said all that we can on these matters. 1. I have no idea why Rikki made that comment about you. 2. I don’t, I’m afraid, believe it is my responsibility to make a judgment on whether the evidence you present contradicts what Hugh and Andrew said. 3. Yes, I’m trying to write some fiction; but whether I can make a career out of remains to be seen! 4. I don’t know why the EFL unit was closed. All I can say is that I fought for many years with diplomacy and doggedness against a view held within the University that the institution had no business offering precious classroom space to non-degree courses. Ours was the most visible because of its size. Some universities have retained their own EFL units; many have retained their EFL/EAP provision only by outsourcing it to organisations such as Kaplan or the Study Group. I am glad that we have been able to correspond with each other. Your record of events is now a public one on your website, as is your request for an apology. Even if this request isn’t satisfied, the making of it is an end in itself, in my view. Let your readers come to their own conclusion. I hope therefore that you will consider letting this dispute rest where it is and devoting your talents and energy to other matters such as your work on Emolinguistics. And, in saying this, I am not motivated at all by ‘keeping my name out of the press’. I’m too old to worry about these things! 

Very best wishes Ken


Russell Crew-Gee 
15 Jul 2024, 09:29

Hi Ken,

It takes me some time to respond since I want to be content in my own mind I have addressed all the points raised. This will be my second to last response which I would be grateful you respond to and this development serves to add to the story and we can move on. My last response being a thank you for the engagement. As you rightly say it is now in the public domain and people can come to their own conclusions and hopefully understand the mental abuse and hurt someone suffers from, over years, due to the acts of bullying. We have, as decent human beings, a responsibility to fight against all forms of abuse which take place in the workplace, no matter how long it takes.
Do not know if you were aware, I was put on anti-depression medication by the University Consultant Psychologist and ended up having a brain MRI due to pains I was experiencing. A fascinating conversation with another NHS Consultant as a result of this, revealed he saw more people from academia than any other industry, particularly in regard to academic bullying.

What has been so strange about all this is how fate has created the situation.

By sheer chance I happened upon the TEFL Worker’s Union page on Facebook where Hugh was mentioned and on the spur of the moment due to all memories and the injustice I had been subjected to, to the point where I was willing to put my life at risk to achieve justice had it not been for the new Vice Chancellor, I decided to accuse Hugh of bullying. His response accusing me of being a teacher who had many complaints against them, another outright lie, which you have disproved. Which I thank you for, since it is my reputation as a teacher I am fighting for ever since that meeting, where my ideas of teaching were not allowed to be heard. You have no idea the anger I controlled when Andrew made the accusations about the students not understanding the language. All lies and the minutes are an excellent record of the totally unprofessional attitude which would not be tolerated in a decent academic environment.

Which brings me to your use of the concept you do not have any responsibility to make a judgement. I’m sorry I have to challenge this, based on the evidence you chose to make a judgement by asking me to take down the site implying you were challenging the evidence presented. Personally, I feel the evidence from the students is quite clear and Hugh and Andrew were using their Emotional Realities which they in no way were able to support by evidence and they walked out when I said I had written evidence from the students contradicting them. Nobody who has read the story can believe anyone would support Hugh and Andrew unless through personally emotional relationship ships and power positions. I find it difficult to accept you are unable to say that on the evidence I have presented it would seem that they were totally wrong both academically and factually. I feel you do have a responsibility to make a judgement since you made the decision to intervene. Just a matter of forming the language which accepts the evidence as presented proves their uncalled-for venomous personal attack on my abilities as a teacher to be unfounded. I am no different from any other teacher, I treasure my reputation and will fight tooth and nail to protect it, particularly when lie after lie is used to attack both my teaching ability and character. Emolinguistics has much to say about the subconscious and the use of language it creates, in this case, “I’m afraid”. What is there to be afraid of?
If you respected me as you say you did then why is it so difficult to accept the written EVIDENCE of the students which totally contradict everything Hugh and Andrew accused me off. Plus, all the other situations where independent witnesses contradicted their lies. Micheal Heller confirming I was not the only one Hugh acted arrogantly towards. The EVIDENCE is overwhelming and you have created the perfect opportunity to act responsibly and put the record straight.

Another twist of fate, I joined a group on Facebook called ‘Research into Language Education’ and had a difference of opinion with someone called Steve Hirschhorn who told me he was the external for the EFL board at the University. This was something which did not exist when I was there as far as I am aware.
He turned out to be another person who runs away having personally insulted someone. A very strange coincidence. Will make a nice story to tell. What is it about the character of some human beings that they find it impossible to agree to disagree and resort to arrogant personal insult and apply the act of belittling someone by implying they are not worthy of their time and attention. 

It has indeed been good we have been able to exchange views and you are right and the website now makes the event a public record. In terms of working on Emolinguistics one of the aspects of this situation is that it is an excellent example of Emotional Reality being in denial of Factual Reality.

Truth comes in two forms, Emotional Reality and Factual Reality, the question at all times and in all situations is which one is closest to Factual Reality.

Truth is a Human right and a responsibility, particularly where desires for justice are concerned.

Best wishes Russ. 


25 Jul 2024, 08:39

Thank you very much for your message, Russ. Once again, and at the risk of repeating myself, I will try to answer the questions you raise. (My knowledge of the final period of the events in question may be affected by the fact that I took unpaid research leave from 2005 to 2007). Yes, we need to seek a resolution to all workplace disputes, particularly where abuse is alleged. We do this, however, not by private websites, but by presenting our concerns to institutions case by case and resolving them in a timely manner by agreement or, if we are still dissatisfied, by the verdict of an industrial tribunal. As I understand it, you followed this norm, closing the case in question twenty years ago by settling with the University, and accepting the compensation that you mention on your website. Your decision, therefore, to revive the dispute on the spur of the moment twenty years after it happened, after a chance encounter with Hugh on the TEFL Workers’ Union page, by means of a website labelled ‘Hugh Dellar the bully’ is not one that I can support, as you already know, though I understand, from your explanation – a resurgence of the suffering you have described – why you did it. I’m glad nevertheless that I have been able in our correspondence to apologise for my ill-advised handling of the meeting in March 2001, and to confirm the respect for you as a teacher that the EFL unit expressed by timetabling you across the provision. In the matter of making judgment on the evidence you present against Hugh and Andrew, as I have already said, my intervention was motivated by and limited to my dismay at the revival of the dispute through your website, and my hope that I could persuade you by correspondence to drop or amend the site. I apologise to you if I gave you any other impression. Adjudication on workplace disputes is the business of professional bodies, not private individuals, and must be carried out as near in time as possible to the events in question. You must have noticed how public arguments in the academic world almost always generate more heat than light, resulting in an entrenchment rather than a moderation of views and never, in my experience, reach a satisfactory resolution. I hope therefore that after this lengthy correspondence with me, you will consider letting matters rest. I wasn’t aware of the medical intervention that you mention. I am very sorry to hear it. The certificates in speaking, writing skills and business English were validated by the University, necessitating the appointment of external examiners to moderate the marks and report to the EFL board. Steve Hirschhorn was one of these examiners. I cannot remember the dates of his tenure. 

Best wishes Ken       


Russell Crew-Gee 
Mon, 9 Sept, 17:01

Hi Ken, First off, my most sincere apologises for the delay in responding, I have been away on summer holidays and I cut myself off from all social media and correspondence for four weeks every year, unless I am expecting something which is urgent. This also has taken some time to construct as an overall summary of events and thoughts. This will be my last response since we have exhausted all the main points and you have summed up the overall aspects from your side. As for seeking workplace resolutions, like many workplaces I was being set up to be dismissed by Ricki and HR and but for the new vice chancellor who knows what would have happened. I have to say I was not completely satisfied with the compensation. However, for my mental health I needed to resolve the situation.

As for the website it came about as a result of Hugh’s lack of human decency plus the response from the Union. In my first employment as an Apprentice Deck Officer in the Merchant Navy I bullied a new apprentice which I regretted and apologised for and we became good friends. When I reminded Hugh of his bullying he could, as a decent human being, particularly after 20 years, have acknowledged his bullying and expressed regret for his actions and apologised. Even if that was too much, he could at least have accepted someone was still suffering from his actions. No, instead he compounds it by laughing with glee at his apparent turning of the tables, and then making a disgusting attack on my professional ability by again making up yet another lie. As for turning the tables; being paid an almost 6 figure sum of taxpayers money is hardly turning the tables, and I would posit, played a role in the closure of the unit, hence my question regarding the closure. I was not surprised to hear it had closed. So Dellar and Walkley could well be directly responsible for depriving over 15 people of livelihoods. This was my motivation for the website, plus the hypocrisy of the administrators of the TEFL Workers Union. Showing none of the humanity one would expect from Trade Union members and siding with Dellar a non-member against someone who had a valid case and had joined the Union expecting the same level of support they were showing to other workers. The actions of all bullies attempting to belittle and attack the competence of their victims. Bullying is an under-reported aspect of human life, which occurs at all ages and in all areas of life. I went through hell in my last 5 years at the University because an arrogant human being took exception to my existence and to this day, I have no idea what I ever did other than run a highly successful language laboratory, in the same way in which the vast majority of schools, which have one, organise the use of them. A dedicated teacher technician, in my case, 30 odd years. The Union acted in a similar manner to the senior management at the University. Why did certain senior managers treat me as if I had committed a crime? 

As for Dellar being the guru of foreign language learning, he can be faulted in a multitude of ways not least in the meeting, his comments on “being troubled how much was revision and how much was learning”. Revision is part and parcel of the learning process, repetition being the main process of memory retention. In a team of three teachers is it logical, let alone practical, to question one teacher who is doing a revision session? There is also the element of “recycling” language.

His example at the IATEFL conference 2024 of a language laboratory session (I believe it was a dig at myself since I am sure he recognised me, plus mention of Chinese student) and a confused student, was pathetic in its analysis. Missed a perfect teaching point, ‘a group of sounds can have more than one combination of words’. Their belief that students are not confused by the multitude of contracted grammar forms is naïve; to say the least, they are confusing in every language. Writing a book in no way gives another human being the right to go round denigrating the skills of other human beings. 

Furthermore, if you set yourself up as a trainer then you ought to be helping people not destroying them, even more so, if you have never seen the person in action. Having said all that, whilst I was concerned by your first comment on the website, I have to say it has produced a result beyond my expectations, since you have unequivocally shown that his comments regarding complaints against me in his TEFL Union response was a complete fabrication since you confirm no complaints were made against me from your position as manager of the unit. As usual he has displayed his academic cowardice, making derogatory comments about me and then running away and refusing to interact as he did in the meeting when I produced the written survey of the students. He likes to believe he is a very caring and humane human being; however, this is very far from Factual Reality since he is driven by his perverse actions towards those who have in some way or another aroused his highly Emotional ire. Also, I believe he is incapable of accepting he could ever be wrong. His ego, as shown by all his YouTube videos showing him teaching, which can so easily be critiqued, provide ample evidence he is just another average teacher. There are 1000’s of videos produced by teachers of all languages which are far superior and informative about their individual languages than anything Dellar produces, his come across as look at me. After I showed you the cards I received from students, did you ever think to tell him he was totally mistaken about myself as a teacher? No need to answer, since it probably wouldn’t have changed his perspective.


That is a memory I can never remove from my mind. All it takes is for both of them to sincerely admit they were totally wrong in all aspects and apologise profusely for the website to disappear. There is not a single iota of evidence which either of them can produce to back up their accusations, quite the opposite, all the evidence points towards two liars. My ideas on the use of Language Laboratory teaching have been proved correct, even more so today, since social media is awash with digital language learning applications simulating a LL and AI is probably going to enable my dream from the 70’s of immersing students in a foreign environment and interacting with AI created characters. As I have said on the site, my wife, a highly respected primary school teacher, speaks fluent French, Italian, and is now learning Spanish, is head of foreign languages at her school all without ever having had a single face to face lesson with a teacher. One aspect of learning I find very rarely mentioned is how human memory works and how to stimulate it, plus the importance the role motivation plays. All discussion in EFL seems to be what and how to teach it with no discussion on whether the how is stimulating memory, just as an aside, see the discussions between Geoff Jordan and Hugh and Andrew, someone who has little time for their ideas on learning. Another aspect ignored in EFL is the existing knowledge of language in a learner’s mother tongue experience. The Physical Memory of individuals varies enormously, from a photographic memory to a very poor memory. Repetition plus emotion where just one experience is so emotional it remains in our minds for life. Hence, we are here after 20 odd years. So, my most sincere thanks for being the Ken I remember and also for your apologies regarding the, as you put it, the “ill-advised handling” of the March meeting which goes a long way in confirming the facts as I have presented them, particularly since not a single aspect of the story can be or has been challenged. One aspect not mentioned in all this was David’s highly negative role, the quality and bias of the minutes, (making an emotional judgement as opposed to recording my comments, although when he did in relation to one of his questions, implying I was incapable of understanding English!) and his withholding of Andrew’s emails. 

Hugh and Andrew are two people whose Emotional Realities are in direct contradiction of the written Factual Reality, a classic example of Emolinguistics in action. Do not forget I was not the only person who suffered from Dellar’s actions, Professor Heller put his own experience in writing.

There is nothing difficult about being nice to another human being and all the best companies are successful because the staff are respectful of each other and as such have high EQs. I will be adding another two chapters to the website, our correspondence and Steve Hirschhorn. You might like to inform him in a month or so, since he said he is still in touch with you. I see it as a digital book recounting a story of man’s inhumanity to man. The deliberate destruction of a highly respected EFL teacher who was, at one point in his career, a personal friend of the two people who put EFL on the map, John and Brita Haycraft of International House.

Thank you, thank you for being who you are and your honesty.

Have a great life.



16 Sept 2024, 15:01 (11 days ago)

 Thanks very much for your message, Russ. Much appreciated. It would be good if you could let me see the new section on your website that deals with our correspondence before you publish it, so that I have a chance to comment on it to you. I intervened in this matter, so I appreciate that you may wish to make my thoughts known to your readers. But I’m also a little apprehensive about the manner in which our personal correspondence becomes a public document. This is why I asked you in the initial comment that I posted on your website to contact me via my email address rather than continuing our discussion in an open forum. Sometimes I think that we can be overly focused on achieving specific results. Your website aims to produce ‘profuse apologies’ from Hugh and Andrew, but as I have already mentioned, the laying out of your concerns may be an end in itself. Similarly, the aim of our correspondence may have been to arrive at some public positions, but, more importantly to me, I think it achieved, through its personal and exploratory nature, a greater understanding of each other’s actions and views.  


Russell Crew-Gee 
23 Sept 2024, 16:17 (4 days ago)

Hi Ken, I have given much thought to our dialogue and have decided the best transparent and open decision will be to post our email communication on the site with an introduction and possibly a summary, I will not be posting your full name, as you can see if you go to the site, your initial comment with your full name does not appear. So, if you read through them you will see all. Let people make up their own minds plus you fully exonerate me from Dellar's slanderous lies in the TEFL Workers Union group which was the motivation for the site. Personally, I see little in anything you said which you need to worry about. I believe we were both honest and straightforward and gave a good description of the situation from our points of view. 
Hope this is helpful. 

Ken's response:

24 Sept 2024, 13:21 (3 days ago)

 Thanks, Russ. If you don’t mind, I’d still like a chance to see how our dialogue – introduction, summary (if you have one) and email communication – is represented before you publish it on the website. That seems fair to me. One thing: I think the paragraph below should be deleted from my message of 13 May, since it mentions the names of other members of staff, who have not given their permission to be included in a public forum. (Deletion is preferable in this case to using initials.) It is not anyway a paragraph that is relevant to our discussion. To maintain accuracy, you could say: [Paragraph deleted by agreement. Even though it refers to other staff members of the EFL unit in a positive light, it does so without their permission to be included in a public forum.] 

“In my time, I was and am loyal to all the teaching staff, and not a ‘new manager’ with a ‘clique’ promoting a specific idea of teaching, and disrespecting the longer-serving members of the unit and their more traditional pedagogical approaches. I joined the unit in 1987 and was steeped in its history and traditions. I supported MF, for example, and her love of teaching through literature. I encouraged DH, who would certainly have regarded himself as a traditionalist, to continue teaching in the unit after his retirement. I assisted MS in setting up his accredited business modules; Mike remembered this when he was dying and asked a close friend to invite me to attend his funeral, which I did, of course. I made JP the mainstay of our Cambridge Proficiency courses. My deputy, DG, was one of the longest-serving members of the unit. I even broke university rules to keep our old hand PN teaching into his eighties on the summer school! Outside the teaching sphere, I kept PS and EM within the fold, after my appointment, by advocating for their new positions as Blue Badge guide and counsellor respectively. These are not the actions of a new broom, determined to sweep aside the eclectic mix of teaching styles in favour of a ‘clique’.” 

Best Ken 


Russell Crew-Gee 

No problem. As for deleting the paragraph I think it needs to remain since it is highly relevant to my "clique" comment. As already mentioned, I leave surnames out. Having just initials for the people in this paragraph retains complete anonymity so I see no problem in keeping it. It is also relevant to my response which makes clear "clique" was not actually aimed at you. It also shows who you are as a human being and in my opinion shows even more the despicable character of Dellar. Someone willing to engage with others to resolve differences as opposed to deliberately initiating character and professional attacks on colleagues. I did not start the hate campaign, the mental rape of another human being. Unfortunately, like so often, human society sides with the powerful and condemns the innocent. All Dellar’s attacks were and are based on Emotional Realities when the Factual Realities of each situation all prove him to be making up lie after lie. All the written evidence is quite clear. 

I have more I can produce. 

E.g.  Dellar turned me, looking at him with a smile on my face to see if he would turn to acknowledge me, as would anyone else have done in normal circumstances, into

"Staring and the silence is very intimidating and somewhat sinister!" 

Particularly difficult concept since he was not looking at me at the time in order not to acknowledge my existence, having seen it was me walking down the stairs. It was an amusing situation in some ways, however he was deliberately breaking your directions to treat colleagues with normal social courtesies. He made this the centre of a complaint he made against me after I had reported him for not observing the University's social rules.

Smiling is sinister????? 

Anyway, obviously I will send you what I intend to place on the site.

All the best,

My conversation with Ken reminded me of other clear evidence of the lying and hypocrisy carried out by Hugh Dellar and his clique, this report of a teacher’s meeting being yet more clear evidence of the paucity of academic pedagogic debate involving all members of staff and no consultation with the students, who I would like to remind readers were all highly intelligent ADULTS who had left their own countries to a foreign country to enhance their knowledge. 

In the Staff meeting on 17th February 2006 the use of the language Laboratory was raised. It was suggested that students be trained to use the Language Laboratory machines in order that they can then use that knowledge in the self-access centre. It was pointed out Elizabeth  was not capable of training students to use the machines. The use of the Language Laboratory and it’s value for self learning were raised 5 years ago and training sessions were arranged which resulted in an acrimonious meeting where the use of the Language Laboratory was deemed to be unnecessary. The minutes are shown on the page headed ‘The Story’. 

Quote,  Question: “ What is there you can do in a Language Laboratory  that you cannot do in a normal classroom”  

Answer: Hugh Dellar “ Nothing” 

Furthermore Russell Crew-Gee’s teaching was called into question. He was accused of belittling students by encouraging them to listen as many times as necessary to be confident they had captured the correct pronunciation of the sounds they were hearing and from those sounds explore all the possible words the sound might be. Contacting the teacher if they were not satisfied with their interpretation. (See minutes of the 2001 meeting on the story page.)

Those people who were so dismissive of the use of the Language Laboratory are now 5 years on saying students should be trained in the use of the Language Laboratory. As a direct result of the 2001 meeting and I believe pressure from these members of staff I was stopped from taking the 5 lower levels into the Language Laboratory which had been a system which had worked highly successfully for the previous 12 years.  The debate on best practise in the Language Laboratory was never allowed to be aired and no linguistic or pedagogic debate had taken place as to what is the best way to help students to help themselves when using a Tape Recorder or other modern forms of technology. 

It still remains a mystery to me, although I have my suspicions, as to why someone who has been a Teacher Trainer in the Language Laboratory at International House, was the first person at International House, worldwide, to use video with students, and who has over 25 years of Language Laboratory experience and who is the ONLY member of staff at this present moment, to take their class into the Language Laboratory every week in order to enable students to become self-sufficient in analysing their own language learning, is totally ignored as a first resource to use in helping other members of staff to become proficient in the use of the Language Laboratory. 

It was suggested that Barry should be consulted as to how to use the machines. I pointed out that there is more to learning about how the machinery works if students are to use the machines to enhance their linguistic skills. Barry has never taught a single EFL lesson in his life and he will also readily admit that I probably know more about the machines than he does. My expertise is well known, however as far as I recall nothing actually happened. 

This comment from Ken reminded me of the above situation and the destruction of teaching sessions, which were highly regarded by the students, as shown by clear written evidence year after year.  “As for the use of language laboratories, you might remember that I made specific provision for you to train our teaching staff. Take-up was negatively affected, as ever, in my opinion, by a simple fear of technology.” 

Why on earth then did he cancel my sessions in the Language Laboratory? A sop to Dellar and Walkley ? I would like to remind readers they can also see for themselves on every social media site how they are inundated with adverts for language teaching courses of a multitude of languages, using a digital recording system to teach themselves to speak a new language.  

Could it possibly be Dellar loves his own voice so much this has driven his Emotional hatred of any system which could deny him the ability to be worshipped as the authority on second language learning. (Tongue in cheek and a big smile. :-







                                              The Steve Hirschhorn Saga. 

Another twist of fate, I joined a group on Facebook called ‘Research into Language Education’ and had a difference of opinion with someone called Steve Hirschhorn who told me he was the external for the EFL board at the University. This was something which did not exist when I was there as far as I am aware.

He turned out to be another person who runs away having personally insulted someone. A very strange coincidence. Will make a nice story to tell. What is it about the character of some human beings that they find it impossible to agree to disagree and resort to arrogant personal insult and apply the act of belittling someone by implying they are not worthy of their time and attention. 

What is it about so many human beings, when given a certain level of power they take pleasure in abusing the power to satisfy their over inflated ego.

 This is a fun story because in some ways it epitomises a regular type of interaction on internet social media groups and the level of arrogance linked to actions of cowardice which is displayed by so many. It also includes a communication with the group owner.

In this case a thread was started, as already stated, in a group I had joined called ‘Research  into Language Education’. Cannot remember exactly the title however it was about aspects of teaching and teachers, which people were expressing their opinions both positive and negative and as such it inspired me to post the link to the Dellar website. 

This Steve Hirschhorn, an apparent Group Expert, who I had never met or even knew about had posted some very negative comments about other people’s posts including my own to which I had replied comprehensively, defending others plus my own post. 

As a result of this instead of replying on Facebook, he deleted his post thereby deleting my comment and any other posters responses and instead sent me a personal message. 

“Hi Russell, I am writing to you in the spirit of old acquaintanceship! You might recall but I was the external for the EFL Board at Westminster around the mid 2000s so I know all the personalities involved with your case against HD. In fact I’m still in touch with Ken and Caroline. I am truly sorry that you have been the victim of bullying; you see I have little doubt that what you allege is true but I do think that the methods you are using to bring attention to the case might be better directed. Just my view. I imagine that most people don’t have the time nor patience to read the lengthy and (forgive me) somewhat rambling texts you present. I think you would do better to stick to the facts, summarise what you have and perhaps leave the longer version(s) where anyone can reach them if they feel the need for more detail. I offer this in the hope that you’ll be able to focus on a more effective way to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve with this case. By the way your attack on me was completely uncalled for, my comments about jealousy and showing off were nothing to do with you but addressed to other member of the group who had complained about colleagues, Since you had responded rather aggressively and in the wrong place, I deleted my post and rewrote it. Hope that is clear. Not about censorship but about appropriacy. I hope this message will help you to clarify in your own mind what you need to focus on. 
incidentally, imo, a legal route might be worth considering."


Not quite sure how to reply to this. First I have no idea who you are re the University since there was no EFL board in existence during my time and as far as I am aware we have never met. I find it a little strange you say in one sentence you have little doubt what I say is true and in another you say I have a legal case and in other sentences attack my actions in dealing with the latest developments and make derogatory statements about the style of my writing. What you see on the website is a summary of 5years of bullying and I have twice as much material I had gone through in designing the site. I have to say I find its somewhat insulting to criticise my actions when you know nothing about the situation. If you think I did not consider the length and structure of the site you again know nothing about me. Do you criticise books you read which describe i9n great detail as rambling? Attacking total strangers is not the best way to influence them. My way, in the circumstances which I have knowledge of are both efficient and effective and are definitely achieving even more than I hoped it would. As for what you characterise as an attack on you was created in the same tone you used in your comment. Sadly I cannot prove this since you disgracefully deleted it by devious means. It was also not the wrong place. It is not your place to decide on how and what people decide is the best way to respond. Time to respect other people’s actions and thoughts and not arrogantly censoring them. You are acting in the manner of Dellar. I also have knowledge which you are not aware of which enables me to analyse language in a manner unavailable to others. Sorry I have been so negative however I am only responding using the same level of aggressive language you have used. Unlike you I would never deliberately find a way to delete someone’s negative comments about my opinions, I would respect and respond to them. Do you deserve this response, I believe so and I also believe you owe me an apology for your actions and Emotionally negatively driven comments. I think you will find my comments are all based on Factual Reality as opposed to the Emotional Realities you have constructed without the knowledge to justify them. More ramblings???? 


Ok, wat a waste of time that was. Let’s leave it therre. I tried and failed. Arrivederci. 


                                       CLASSIC CASE OF ARROGANCE




                                    LANGUAGE FOR KNOWLEDGE SAKE. 

I have decided due to a varity of concepts which have revealed themselves in the course of creating this site and the discussion between Ken and myself, it would be a great idea to add a contribution to the perennial debate on teaching techniques which will also provide an insight into my own EFL research and knowledge. It is the result of a survey I carried out at the University of Westminster and which I sent to Ken in the course of our discussion which he made reference to in one of his emails. I would like to pay tribute to Jack Lonergan, who has sadly passed away and who helped in the design of the survey which I present here. I have every reason to believe it is just as relevant today as it was way back in 2002. However I do not present it as the be-all and end-all of teaching because different ages, different levels of subject knowledge and personal preference and knowledge desire vary enormously and we ought never to assume there is a single process to learning.  

As you will have seen I have included the thanks I have recieved from students over the years, with photos of the cards to provide proof. This is not just about me, it is about all teachers, since it is what happens in any individual classroom between a teacher and their students, and nothing to do with what other arrogant people who believe they know better than the students themselves who are more than happy with whatever techniques any individual teacher uses to impart the knowledge of any language to a student who is eager to learn. Hence the survey is important because it is about what students think and not about all the academic linguistics used to argue about how best to impart linguistic knowledge. I have over the many years I have been retired kept in touch with the acdemic world of teaching and have been astounded how academic debate has overtaken the practical side of instilling information. I even read in a journal that the problem is not memory. Seaking solely fpor myself, I can catagorically state yes it is a at times a memory problem since I suffer from a physical problem of memory retention as I believe do many others. Repetition does not guarantee memory for me, no matter how many times I see or hear something, it can still fade. although having said that, most Emotional experiences, particularly negative ones are forever seared into my mind. 

In the EFL community little or no debate takes place as to the different abilities of humans to absorb knowledge and the memory system which can vary so much between one human and another. An area of knowledge which is never mentioned in all the EFL courses which are sold to potential or existing teachers or covered in the exams for teachers. 

Stimulating memory is the art of teaching, and the more interesting a teacher can make the necessary repetition process or create emotional moments to stimulate memory the more successful they will be. Which brings me back to the survey and a study of classroom techniques which a group of adult learners find the most stimulating for memory acquisition.  

I am also adding this to show my knowledge of EFL teaching to adults, is at a highly professional level of knowledge and background research developed over many years from experiences in a number of countries and as a Director of Studies.  

                                                 The Westminster University Survey.

                                   NOTE THE RESULT ON LANGUAGE LABORATORY USE.     


Reasons for the survey.   One of the major themes of teacher training courses, as I perceive it, has been the idea that teaching of languages should move more from teacher oriented learning to student oriented learning. This is also reflected in the new format of the exams being produced today. Teaching courses have been promoting this idea for many years. I experienced this on a Cambridge Diploma Course in 1996, where the concept of the Communicative Method was very much in evidence, being promoted as the sub-script of the course. Whilst I have no argument about using student orientated learning techniques I have been very sceptical about is the concept of task based lessons being promoted as the Holy Grail of teaching to the exclusion of all other techniques.    

Robert O'Neill wrote a long article on his experience in an English Language School, which he was asked to visit abroad. He described how the teacher literally left the students to their own devices and the director was full of praise and convinced this was the ultimate teaching method. O'Neill's article was highly sceptical and critical. I have since this time been looking for research carried out on adult students to see what they feel about this form of teaching and have found nothing of relevance.   

I know from my own experience of learning different subjects as well as languages, I require a teacher to assist and provide short cuts and anecdotes to enable me to more fully understand and remember the subject I am learning, that no amount of reading or self study can provide. This is reflected in conversation with other people.    

One major aspect of adult learning, which I feel is not recognised for its' importance, is that millions of adults vote with their money in favour of the services of a teacher. It would seem to me that if students come to an institution because it provides teachers, it seems incongruous to then say 'do it yourself you do not need a teacher', unless perhaps one is providing a self-study technique that needs to be revised or even taught.   

So what do adult students think about the variety of teaching techniques we use in the classroom? This is what I wanted to know first hand for whilst I use task based lessons I do not use them to the exclusion of all other techniques, however if on asking students for their opinion they should say otherwise, I would be quite happy to change my teaching.    

Design of Questionnaire   

In designing the questionnaire I felt the type of material introduced into the classroom is easily classified and is not subject to the same controversy as techniques. The main dilemma is in the presentation of material. Given the same material to present and any number of teachers could present that material in a multitude of ways. So the main questions are all designed to provide answers to teaching techniques.  

I also feel that there is also a distinction to be made between REMEMBERING language and LEARNING.   

Reasons;  Remembering is a physical ability which places information in the brain, learning is a mental ability to process this information and use it correctly. It goes without saying that the learning process cannot take place without first having the physical process.  'Nothing to work with, produces nothing'. Consequently I made the decision to concentrate the questionnaire on REMEMBERING since this seems to me, after many years of teaching both English and other subjects, to be the vital ingredient for teaching, particularly adults. Adults are already trained mentally trained in the art of processing and analysing information, and it is not the role of language teachers of adults to educate students, this is both patronising and unnecessary. Our role is to help students remember new style language and also rules that might apply to that language which is different from rules in another style of language. [Just out of interest, all the above could equally apply to the learning of a computer programming language  

I also added a question designed to be a check question for the first 29. I was slightly unsure about this question since it meant going back through all 29 questions again which would be time consuming and laborious and therefore could be de-motivating in producing accurate answers. Furthermore it might be difficult for people to choose their main six. However I felt it important to include it in the hope of getting a correlation between this question and the overall questions.   

There are also three questions, which are not specifically on teaching techniques. One is relevant to teaching techniques, it could be argued that the personality of a teacher is part of their technique. The other two are on contentious areas of teaching, which I thought would be useful to receive feedback on and are connected with techniques of presentation.   

Presentation of questionnaire   

In order to get a good response based not only on language learning in their own country, I needed to wait until the students had settled down into the teaching here. In the event the questionnaire was presented in the sixth week of a course. 

Background of students  

The majority of our students are from Asia, some 75% the other 25% are from European language areas of the world. The educational level is in the main, University, with a number of business backgrounds. The age level varies from late teens to forty.  

I personally teach five general english morning classes and therefore have a knowledge of a wide range of the students and would therefore be able to say that the students are well educated and intelligent people. The fact that they have left their own country and come to this country also implies that they are independent, confident and open-minded human beings.  I make this comment to counter any criticism there might be about the intellectual quality of the sample students.    

Interpreting the results   

As a result of not getting all fifteen classes participation ( 11 in total) I found that I had a little over a hundred responses. This gave me the idea that an ideal number would be 100, statistically for all my calculations and would save a vast amount of calculating time. Some of these responses came from students who had taken them home to do, I took the first three of these to make up the hundred.   

I initially separated the results into Asian and European to see if there was any big difference between the two theoretically culturally different groups. I chose a similar amount of Asian results to European and compared them. The results from both groups were similar enough not to be significant. I therefore treated everyone as one group in my analysis of the results. I also looked at advanced classes as opposed to intermediate levels and found no discernible difference except in the use of modern technology where more advanced students had a higher proportion of no experience than the lower levels.  

My dilemma then came as to how to interpret the figures. At first I thought I could assess the results by looking at the difference between the top two results and the bottom two using the middle result as the average. I started by doing this giving alphabetic results. Average, above average, below average etc.   

I then realised I needed to collate the first 29 questions with the final question, which had produced a numerical result. As a result of this I devised a system which would enable me to grade the results numerically and which would give me a very clear picture of the difference between each question.   

Using 'WELL' as the average, which I feel is a perfectly reasonable decision statistically, I then added 'VERY WELL' to 'EXTREMELY WELL' and did the same to the two negative answers. I then subtracted one from the other and gave each answer a plus or minus sign. This then enabled me to list each question in order of preference and then link this to the order of preference in the final question. Where there were large percentages of students who had not experienced the technique I did a percentage of the total of those that had experienced it, this I only did with over 15% since this does not make a significant difference.       

The Results     

The results in relation to the teacher and the students are extremely revealing.    

Anything connected with a student to student inter-action receives a minus score. The largest minus score of the whole survey being -32%, which is reserved for 'students working as one group without a teacher'. The second largest minus score for the survey -25% goes to 'student explaining language to student'. 'Pair-work' and 'students working in small groups' are also minus -1% and -10% respectively.    

On the other side 'teacher explaining language to all the class' and 'teacher explaining language to individual student' score +48% and +47% respectively with 'teacher and students working together as one group' +28%. These results are all numbers above or below the average, which I feel is the important point of the survey since I am attempting to find techniques that either work better than average or worst than average.    

So what can be deduced from these results? One obvious result, is that there is a very large percentage of students who feel that the teachers input into a lesson is the most productive for them. Working alone without the teacher, particularly in large groups, is, according to this survey, very definitely not going to help students as well as teacher participation. Bring back PPP, Presentation, Practise and Production!!!!     

What is also interesting is that these minus scores are solely in these areas alone, there are no other minus scores in any other part of the survey. The closest we get to a minus score is 'grammar analysed by yourself', which just manages to get a +1%. This is, yet again, the student working alone. However in relation to student working alone, 'homework' received a very respectable +35%. So does 'homework, relate to exercises given by the teacher since there is a contradiction with 'grammar analysis by yourself'. An area for further research.   

'Grammar explained by teacher' received the third highest plus mark +58% with 'vocabulary explained by teacher' receiving the highest plus result +69%. Again we see very positive results with teacher participation in the learning process. The British Council Bascelt inspectors would be interested in the result for 'teacher using whiteboard' as opposed to 'overhead projector'.  A massive +61% in favour of the whiteboard, with only +8% liking the overhead projector. A fairly high percentage had not experienced the overhead projector. Maybe it is the mystic of what is going to be written next and the word by word development that stimulates the memory. Further research needed.   

Two areas which scored low were quite surprising since I had expected higher levels, 'playing language games' and 'role play 'which only just managed to scrape over the average with +9% and 3% respectively although fairly high percentages of students had not experienced these.   

The two questions which related to materials used in the classroom, 'using a course-book' and 'using material provided by teacher ' were separated by quite high scores. 'Teacher provided material ' +43% contrasted strongly with the +3% for course-books. This is quite interesting because in many cases of material used by teachers it is in fact photocopies of course-books. It would be interesting to get some feedback on what type of teacher materials work best. The word teacher definitely seems to stimulate a positive response.   

In the area of technology a high proportion of students had not experienced it, however of those that had there was a positive response. By far the most effective in this area was the older technology, the 'language laboratory' which received the fourth highest plus score of +53%. This even surprised me since this is my own field of expertise. 'Using computer programs' +21%, 'using the internet' +18% and 'using the self access centre' +16% were dwarfed by the percentage of people who had not used them 58%, 52% and 36%.   

In the 'use of tape recorders' in the classroom, the magic word 'teacher' once again produced high percentages, +53% as opposed to 'student operated' of +30%, although this is very respectable. No doubt if I had put 'teacher operated video tapes' the score would have been greater that +25%. 'Free lessons' and 'teacher talking' were on a par with videotapes, +30% and 27%.    

Finally two contentious areas over the years, firstly reading aloud and being corrected. I remember at Hammersmith College when doing my Cambridge Diploma, we were asked to do a lesson using all the skills, reading, writing speaking and listening. I devised a lesson where one student wrote a letter and another student had to read it aloud to a third student who would then relay the contents to another student.    

When I suggested this I was told that you should not do reading aloud in the classroom it was not communicative. After being sat in on by another of the tutors on the course, I had a forty minute argument,  trying to explain to her that we did actually read aloud to each other in real life, she refused to accept this, so I feel great joy in seeing the result of this question +41%   

Secondly to 'teacher correcting your mistakes'. This received the second highest score equal with 'teacher using whiteboard' +61%. This also gives me great pleasure since on the same course the correcting of mistakes and the method of doing so was the subject of much debate and disagreement.   

Which is another reason why I put in a second question on this point and was more specific. This second question received the highest percentage of plus points of all the questions +86%. This is an overwhelming percentage in favour of instant correction by the teacher in the classroom.   

The question asking the students to list their top six proved to be a bit problematic as predicted with almost 25% of students failing to answer it and many of those that did, only put 3 or 4.  So I am not sure that the results are entirely reliable. Consequently I have extended this, after collating the numbers,  to the top ten for comparison purposes.

Top six choices to top ten                                    Top ten from the 29 questions. 
Question for top six   8                                  1                   Individual question   16
Question for top six   16                                2                   Individual question   8
Question for top six   14                                3                   Individual question   14
Question for top six   6                                  4                   Individual question   10
Question for top six   20                                5                   Individual question   11
Question for top six   19/27/5                       6                   Individual question   5
Question for top six   9                                  7                   Individual question   6
Question for top six   24                                8                   Individual question   19
Question for top six   29                                9                   Individual question   20
Question for top six   10                                10                 Individual question   17/19

The top three compare and confirm their position, so we can conclude beyond all doubt that the core role of a teacher in a language classroom, as far as adult students learning English are concerned, is to;   

Correct student's mistakes at the time they make them. Explain grammar and vocabulary to students.   

After the top three there is not a definite correlation so I think that due to my original worry about the reliability of asking for a top six placement I feel that it is probably better to give greater emphasis to the results from the individual questions.   

It should provide a lot of food for thought to those people who think Language Laboratories have no role to play in the teaching of languages. Maybe this explains why private language schools promote the use of Language Laboratories in their advertising. It is even more important when one realises that the main message of this survey is that students place great emphasis on the role of the teacher and yet a machine takes fourth place as a means to remembering language.   

The main point from the rest of the top ten is yet again confirmation of the teacher's role and how the survey shows that the best results for this group of students are achieved when there is active teacher participation. Can it be assumed therefore that this would apply to all adult students?   

19 students mentioned other techniques that helped them.   

Listening to native speakers             1 
Talking to English people                  4 
Giving presentation in class              1 
Visiting somewhere together            1 
Reading and underlining words        1 
Recording long story by myself        1 
Conversation                                     1
Translating from own language        1 
Talking with friends after class         2
Seeing films                                      1 
Reading books and magazines          2 
Watching TV/with sub-titles             3     

There was a contradiction on the last one where one student had said that watching videotapes did not help.     


This survey seems to me, in many ways, to completely contradict the present so-called good teaching practises. I have to say that it has confirmed my own beliefs in what the role of the teacher is, based on my own experiences in the classroom and the relationship I have with the students I teach. It is a question now of whether the profession accepts these results or sets out to prove them to be wrong. Simple questions have produced simple results. I intend also to ask another institution to give the survey to their students to see what correlation there will be.    Russell Crew-Gee   

Apologies for some formatting problems. Website and Word playing games. :-)     


                                                    STUDENT SURVEY       

Name:                   Nationality:                      Level:                     Total time learning English:   

We are interested in trying to find out which techniques used by teachers in the classroom help you the most to REMEMBER English so that you can understand, speak and write and so learn the language. PLEASE DO NOT READ THROUGH, RESPOND INSTANTLY TO EACH QUESTION AND TICK THE ANSWER WHICH IS BEST FOR YOU.   (PERCENTAGES HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED, WHEN OVER 15%, WHERE STUDENTS HAVE NOT EXPERIENCED THE TECHNIQUE, TO THE TOTAL HAVING EXPERIENCE. )   

What helps you best to REMEMBER English :-    

1 Pairwork  -- one student working with one student.    

                       Have never experienced this.            1%   

Works             Very badly                     2% 
                       Fairly well                    27% 
                       Well                             42%  Percentage difference on average -1%
                       Very well                     22% 
                       Extremely well              6%     

2  Groupwork  -- students working in small groups.    

                            Have never experienced this.           3%   

   Works          Very badly                    4% 
                       Fairly well                   29% 
                       Well                            41%  Percentage difference on average-10%
                       Very well                    20% 
                       Extremely well             3%

3  Groupwork --- teacher and students working together as one group.   

                            Have never experienced this.            14%    

Works             Very badly                     0
                       Fairly well                    12%
                       Well                             34%  Percentage difference on average  +28%
                       Very well                     33%
                       Extremely well              7%  

4  Groupwork  ---  students working as one group without the teacher.   

                                      Have never experienced this.            16%   

Works             Very badly                   11%
                       Fairly well                    29%
                       Well                             35%      Percentage difference on average  -31%
                       Very well                       7%
                       Extremely well               2%   5          

5  Teacher to class  ---  teacher explaining language to all the class.   

                                 Have never experienced this.            0   

Works             Very badly                     0%
                       Fairly well                    10%
                       Well                              32%      Percentage difference on average  +48%
                       Very well                      40%
                       Extremely well             18%   

6  Teacher to student  ---  teacher explaining language to individual student.    

                                                  Have never experienced this.           9%   

Works             Very badly                    1%
                       Fairly well                     6%
                       Well                             30%      Percentage difference on average  +47%
                       Very well                     29%
                       Extremely well             25%          

7  Student to student ---- student explaining language to student.   

                                     Have never experienced this.           4%   

Works             Very badly                     10%
                       Fairly well                      33%
                       Well                               36%   Percentage difference on average  -27%
                       Very well                        12%
                       Extremely well                 5%                   

8   Teacher correcting your mistakes.    

                                    Have never experienced this.           2%   

Works             Very badly                        0%
                       Fairly well                         9%
                       Well                                 19%   Percentage difference on average  +61%
                       Very well                         36%
                       Extremely well                 34%          

9   Homework, working alone at home.   

                                    Have never experienced this.            0   

Works             Very badly                         2%
                       Fairly well                          9%
                       Well                                 43%   Percentage difference on average +35%
                       Very well                          33%
                       Extremely well                 13%          

10   Language Laboratory  ---recording and listening to your speaking.   

                                       Have never experienced this 29%   

Works             Very badly                             2%
                       Fairly well                             7%    Adjusted figure
                       Well                                    16%     Percentage difference on average +53%
                       Very well                            28%
                       Extremely well                   17%            

11   Teacher using tape recorder for listening comprehension.    

                                       Have never experienced this.           3%  

 Works             Very badly                          2%              
                        Fairly well                           5%
                        Well                                   32%   Percentage difference on average +21%
                        Very well                           19%
                        Extremely well                    9%             

12  Students using tape recorder for listening for comprehension.    

                                      Have never experienced this.           35%   

Works             Very badly                             0
                       Fairly well                              9%          Adjusted figure
                       Well                                     28%   Percentage difference on average  +30%
                       Very well                              17%
                       Extremely well                     11%  

 13   Watching video tapes for comprehension.   

                                      Have never experienced this.            30%   

Works             Very badly                            1% 
                       Fairly well                           12%         Adjusted figure 
                       Well                                    27%     Percentage difference on average  +25%
                       Very well                            21% 
                       Extremely well                     9%                      

14    Grammar explanation from teacher.    

                                      Have never experienced this.           0   

Works             Very badly                            0 
                       Fairly well                            5% 
                       Well                                  28%      Percentage difference on average +58%
                       Very well                           41% 
                       Extremely well                  22%          

15    Grammar analysed by yourself.    

                                       Have never experienced this.           11%   

Works             Very badly                            4% 
                       Fairly well                           23% 
                       Well                                    34%    Percentage difference on average  +1%
                       Very well                             21% 
                       Extremely well                      7%         

16    Vocabulary explained by teacher.   

                                       Have never experienced this.            0   

Works              Very badly                             0 
                        Fairly well                              3% 
                        Well                                     25%    Percentage difference on average +69% 
                        Very well                             39% 
                        Extremely well                     33%         

17     Vocabulary explained by dictionary.   

                                       Have never experienced this.            0   

Works             Very badly                                2% 
                       Fairly well      `                        13% 
                       Well                                        35%  Percentage difference on average  +35%
                       Very well                                44% 
                       Extremely well                          6%          

18    Using a course-book.    

                                       Have never experienced this.           0   

Works              Very badly                                6% 
                        Fairly well                               20% 
                        Well                                        45%  Percentage difference on average  +3%
                        Very well                                23% 
                        Extremely well                         6%                        

19   Using material provided by teacher.   

                                        Have never experienced this.            0             

Works               Very badly                                2% 
                         Fairly well                               10% 
                         Well                                        33% Percentage difference on average +43%
                         Very well                                34% 
                         Extremely well                       21%            

20   Reading aloud and being corrected by the teacher.   

                                        Have never experienced this.            12%   

Works              Very badly                                0 
                        Fairly well                              14% 
                        Well                                        25% Percentage difference on average  +36% 
                        Very well                                32% 
                        Extremely well                       18%            

21     Using a computer program.    

                                         Have never experienced this.           58%      

Works              Very badly                                4% 
                        Fairly well                                 4%   Adjusted figure
                        Well                                        18% Percentage difference on average  +21%
                        Very well                                 11% 
                        Extremely well                          6%            

22     Using the internet.   

                                         Have never experienced this.            52%   

Works             Very badly                                 2% 
                       Fairly well                                  7%   Adjusted figure 
                       Well                                          21% Percentage difference on average +18% 
                       Very well                                  13% 
                       Extremely well                           5%   

23    Using a Self Access Centre.   

                                       Have never experienced this.            36%   

Works             Very badly                                  5% 
                       Fairly well                                 12%   Adjusted figure 
                       Well                                          21% Percentage difference on average +16% 
                       Very well                                  18% 
                       Extremely well                           9%  

24    Free lessons. ---Teaching, talks, lectures etc.   

                                       Have never experienced this.            15%   

Works             Very badly                                  3% 
                       Fairly well                                 12% 
                       Well                                          22% Percentage difference on average +33%
                       Very well                                  32% 
                       Extremely well                         16%           

25   Teacher using whiteboard    

                                       Have never experienced this.           3%   

Works             Very badly                                  0                      
                       Fairly well                                  7% 
                       Well                                         22% Percentage difference on average  +61%
                       Very well                                  49%                         
                       Extremely well                         19%          

26    Teacher using overhead projector.    

                                        Have never experienced this.           23%   

Works             Very badly                                  6% 
                       Fairly well                                 12%  Adjusted figure 
                       Well                                          35% Percentage difference on average  +8%
                       Very well                                  18%                         
                       Extremely well                           6%           

27    Playing  language games.    

                                          Have never experienced this.           17%   

Works             Very badly                                  5% 
                       Fairly well                                 15% 
                       Well                                          34% Percentage difference on average +11%
                       Very well                                  16% 
                       Extremely well                          13%            

28    Role play.   

                                           Have never experienced this.            26%      

Works             Very badly                                    3% 
                       Fairly well                                   19% 
                       Well                                            27% Percentage difference on average +3%
                       Very well                                     15% 
                       Extremely well                            10% 

29    Teacher talking ----conversations with different students, telling stories, etc.   

                                           Have never experienced this.            11%      

Works             Very badly                                     0 
                       Fairly well                                    17% 
                       Well                                             28% Percentage difference on average+27
                       Very well                                     31% 
                       Extremely well                            13%      

Any other technique that has helped you:-   

19 students mentioned other techniques that helped them.   

Listening to native speakers              1 
Talking to English people                  4 
Giving presentation in class              1 
Visiting somewhere together            1 
Reading and underlining words        1 
Recording long story by myself        1 
Translating from own language        1 
Talking with friends after class         2 
Seeing films                                      1 
Reading books and magazines          2 
Watching TV/with sub-titles             3     

There was a contradiction on the last one where one student had said that watching videotapes did not help.               

How important do you think a teacher's personality is in helping you to remember English?     

How important do you think a teacher's personality is in helping you to remember English? 

Not important                                     0%
Fairly important                                  2%
Important                                          16%   Percentage above average  +80%  
Very important                                  41%  
Extremely important                         41%            

How important do you think grammar explanation is?    

Not important                                     2%
Fairly important                                   3%  
Important                                           26%  Percentage above average +64%                  Very important                                   40%  
Extremely important                          29%    

 Do you think it is important for teachers to correct your speaking mistakes when you make them.     

Not important                                     0  
Fairly important                                   1%  
Important                                           11%  Percentage above average +86%  
Very important                                   25%  
Extremely important                          62%

                                                TO THE TEACHER.            

 As mentioned at the staff meeting I am carrying out a survey of teaching techniques used by teachers to present material to students. The emphasis is on REMEMBERING new language. I would be grateful if you could read the instructions before handing out the questionnaire and help with any explanation of any question that your students do not understand. However it is important that you do not lead students in answering the question when giving an explanation. You could if you want, do each question individually with them, this would control the time they take to do it and ensure that each question is answered without them reading ahead. 

Please emphasis the REMEMBERING aspect of the survey, as opposed to LEARNING.        

Could you also give any apologies to any students who are not happy about doing the survey and explain that it will be very helpful to us in the future, so we would be very grateful for their help.       

If you should think of any technique we have not mentioned which you think is very important you could perhaps suggest it to the students and they could add it to the section on any other techniques.   

Thank you VERY  much for your help.  


An aspect I did not comment on at the time is that the results are also showing that it shows there are many different styles of learning at play since there is a range of answers. which makes perfect sense because we humans come in many different physical abilities.  

It is also worth mentioning that it is only 100 people since I am sure this is an aspect would be picked up in any criticism. However there is no reason why the same results would probably apply in any one particular cohort who had experienced the same learning experience at the University at the time. 

It would be interesting to follow up with exploring how the results could be used to enhance and create learning environments which stimulate memory. 






The website is an introduction to the influence of Emotion within language and its impact on personal and global relationships plus a communication experiment which has been highly successful. What has interested me most in the presentation of the concept has been how certain supposedly highly educated people have been unable to grasp the implications of the concepts which have evolved from the results of my research. The reason being that it never ceases to amaze me how many of these these types of people constantly display low levels of analysis which defy their supposed level of intellect.  The website is a perfect example of this. 

There will be an emphasis on language teaching in the explanations on this page. Although the following is a fine example of how the concept of Emolinguistics is treated by the general public.

One of the most surprising reactions was from an organisation which has as its philosphy:


Their upper management fully supported the concept as stated by one of their local groups, that Emolinguistics " is for the fairies". The word has gone out I must be ignored for daring to question some of their decisions on social media and the promotion of their beliefs, perfectly reasonable questions asked, which others have also asked, I am as the saying goes, 'persona non grata'. Their excuse being I am upset by their rejection of Emlinguistics. 

Not true, since it is for me a perfect display of Emotional Reality in denial of Factual Reality and provides a classic example of Emolinguistics in action. Their rejection is fascinating considering the basic concept behind Emolinguistics is a well established psychological axiom first proposed by a highly respected family therapist, psychologist, communication theorist and philosopher who taught psychiatry and behaviorial sciences at Stanford University, Paul Watzlawick.

What stands out most is that I have not recieved a single critique of any of the concepts which form the academic logic and background to Emolinguistics.

I tell a a lie, there was one in the presentation I gave to the above organisation, where one of the images I used was challenged as being the worst this person had ever seen, in their life, (WOW) in the powerpoint presentation used in my lecture.  Similiar to the story I tell on the website, a complaint about the pictures. Ooops, no it is not about the subject it is about an image which is used to talk about a particular aspect of the subject.






A story of the evolution of what originally  was called "The LANGUAGE OF EMOTION"

STAGE 1:  As explained earlier on another page I had developed an afternoon Speakings Skills class  at the University of Westminster which concentrated on the functional language we use in our everyday interactions to help in our communication with our fellow human beings and task based in its presentation.

We have more than one linguistic introduction to express ourselves in many situations, for example, disagreeing with someone.

But,                                            That's quite true, but

yes but,                                      I'm not sure I quite agree

Come off,                                    Well you have a point there, however

Don't be so silly,                          I see what you mean, on the other hand

What is the reason for all these introductions, or alternatively, why do we have so many ways to disagree?

I asked myself what is the advantage or disadvantage, and came to the conclusion they are linguistics ways of either exciting Emotions or repressing Emotions.  As explained on the website I had been reading about human Emotions and this no doubt led me to reaching the conclusion I came to regarding the reasons for different structures we use in the functional language we use in every communicative interaction. All of this is driven by my desire to understand the concepts behind all our linguistic usage. 

This was also, I believe, helped by an experience I had on holiday in France where we had over a number of years built up a friendship with a family at the campsite we visited every year. They had a daughter who one day I referred to as "VOUS" instead of "TU" and she had burst into tears and gone crying to her parents asking what she had done wrong. 

For those who might not know, the difference in French IS there are two ways of saying "YOU", one, formal for people who we have no friendly relation with and the other used for close friends. A classic example of language being created to show th emotional relationship we have with the person we are communicationg with. The usage of "YOU" in English can be very confusing and the cause of many arguments. suggesting the use of "WE" as opposed to "YOU" is something I recommend to students when they are using "YOU" in its general concept. Further to this, today the use of pronouns has become a highly emotive area of human conceptual understanding.

All this came together came together in an eureka moment whilst designing a one off lesson for a private student. A reference is made to the early research in my email exchange with Ken with reference to an experiment I first carried out.

So commenced the research and a new look at the language we use and its emotional impact on our everyday communications. 

An example of the influence of our emotions on our so called grammatical structures. Conceptually the language referred to as 'grammar is used to relate the subject being discussed to the time frame in which it took or takes place or will take place.

A perennial question from students learning English is the difference between "SHALL" and "WILL".  In my speaking skills class I created a drama scene with a couple of students which explained the difference between the two concepts which also clearly show the emotional difference between them and hence the usage. I wonder how many people are able to provide a valid explanation. 

I also discovered that many people mentally switch off when "YOU SHOULD" is used in communications, which helps to confirm the reasons for the different usage. Also the use of the Present Tense can be highly emotive in certain uses, as can the Past Tense when used in similiar circumstances. 

Our language usage or lack of it at all times has an Emotional impact and this linguistic conclusion links dirrectly to the psychological axioms proposed by Watzlawick and accepted by the psychological community. Psychology is,after all, a study of language, is it not? A question tag, another linguistic emotionally evoking structure.

Then there is all the vocabulary which describes our emotions, the almost endless list of positive, negative and neutral words describing our feelings/emotions, the adjectives. 

For example: Best, Worst, Average, and a vast almost uncountable number which makes it difficult to list. However there is a way round this which could also help in any computer programming in creating an Emotional computer. We can simplify the analysis by referring to the emotions by the effect they are having, the simple eletrification, the brain stimulating the mind process through the Neuron electrical process. 

Hence emotion can be simplified to: Positive, Negative and Neutral, which we can then linguistically describe depending on the effect created. 

Another example of Emotion/Feelings controlling human concepts linguistically is the 20th century process known as Political Correctness.
The use of the word "Blind" after centuries of use, with the concept of being totally unable to see anything has been declared a forbidden word by some peoplebecause apparently it is offensive. Strange thing is it is sighted people who have a problem with the word whilst blind people in general do not have a problem with it. It has been replaced by the term "Visually impaired". 

Conceptually this is actually a ridiculous substitute since the word "impaired" conceptually does not imply there is a TOTAL inability to do something, it is a partial inability. It is a classic example of some human being allowing their Emotional Reality to change the Factual Reality of a linguistic concept which defines neatly in a single word a person disability and which is there to enable society to quickly recognise the disability. 

There are degrees of blindness and in those cases "visually impaired" is the correct terminology. 

Linguistic terminology needs to stick as close as possible to the conceptual Factual Reality of Human existence.

STAGE 2:  This where the linguistic concepts of every word, every clause, every phrase, every sentence, every communication, every thought has at least two meanings, Factual and Emotional the linguistic extension from Paul Watzlawick's pyschological became linked to human realities through a simple thought process of linking concepts, the origins of language where the reality of existence had surely been the linking of sounds to the sights and sounds early humans experienced. 


This led to the hypothesis the two concepts could be linked directly to the concept of Reality and that there are in fact two Realities, Factual Reality and Emotional Reality.

There is however a very important difference in these two concepts. there is only one Factual Reality and more than one Emotional Reality which can be created from a single concept. The individual's thought processing linked to their experiences, character, and beliefs. Link this to the multitude of human languages and societies and what is "TRUTH" becomes a major cause of conflicts.  

These concepts evolved due to observations of what is happening in the world and relating it to actions in relation to the language and what the reality of the impact of actions had on life. 

What can be a Factually Reality in one society or group of human beings, in another society or group it is an Emotional Reality.  Goddesses used to be worshiped in past societies, women respected, 'Vestial Virgins', the Queens of Egypt, the Amazons, the Wu Zhou Dynasty, Boudica and other female rulers. Yet today we have societies which consider women as second class citizens totally at the merci of their male rulers, even to the extent of not even being heard let alone seen. 

What level of male Emotions have created such a miserable existence for half the human race?

A few years after I was promoting the Language of Emotion, Emotional Intelligence became a popular concept in life due to a book on the subject published in 1995, which adds further evidence of the impact Emotion has on human life let alone the reality if we just care to look around the globe and beyond our own narrow e3xistence and experience.

I also relate this to Emotional Literacy and our ability to consciously control our emotions which help us to use neutral and postive linguistic concepts and also control our physical reactions. Time to control our subconscious emotions  and consciously grasp control of the negativity of our emotions.

Globally we need to build awareness of the different Emotional concepts which exist in linguistics terms of other languages. An example of this, is how jokes in one language can make no sense in another language, another area of new research.

In an era of human scientific knowledge which is, it would seem, for so many, beyond comprehension, "The Emotional Being" is alive and well and in some ways is just as emotionally driven as it was in past times if not more so, when we compare it to the extent of human knolwdge in the present day. An interesting question is when did emotional language evolve, since I posit that the first language sounds initially would have been about our surroundings, something we are only able to speculate upon. Which brings us back to Reality. 

I am not sure about when I discovered my thoughts on Reality linked directly back to Paul Watzlawick. Sometime between 2014 and now I was exploring more axioms in psychology when I came across yet another quote from Paul Watzlawick which linked directly to my thoughts on the concepts of Reality. Having been inspired way back in 1986 with PauI Watzlawick psychological axiom decided to turn this into an image, linking a brick wall with curtains, which I leave the reader to glean the significance.


Which brings us full circle to the reason for the website.  Since Dellar and Walkley created their Emotional Realities without any Factual Reality to justify their attacks and the managment rejected direct written Factual Reality from students. 

Their Emotional Realities controlling the Factual Realities. Evidence of their intellectual knowledge being controlled by their lack of Emotional Intelligence. Lack of desire to seek the true facts of the situation. Two witnesses evidence being ignored. 

Emolinguistics needs to be taught in every school and a study subject in Universities

The evidence of the Emotional Concepts  within language controlling human actions permeates every area of life and I am not going to list any since one only has to observe the state of World politics and the new form of human spread of information, the social media sites on the internet to see it in action. 

I see these concepts as revealing a new way of understanding the truths of the Realites of human existence, sadly I am just a single voice.

Emotional Intelligence is vital in seeking the Factual Reality and we now have an Encylopedia in our pockets so there no excuse for not checking on the validity of statements regarding so many aspects of human existence and knowledge. 

When it comes to personal relationships particularly in the work environmen, where we spend a majority of our daily lives, it is companies with a management with high levels of Emotional Intelligence, creating postive attitudes towards ones colleagues which are proven to be amongst the most successful. We need to raise people's awareness of the advantages the impact of Emotion linguistic knowledge can achieve once we all come to accept we are 'THE EMOTIONAL BEING'.

Finally we have the major advances in computer technology to the point where Artificial Intelligence is now playing a major role in our lives, it is responsible major advances in our knowledge and scientific advances in all areas of life.  I have availed myself of AI in creating an image which can instantly represent the concept of minds seeking Factual Reality. All I asked for on an Image creating AI app was provide an image of Emotional Reality and Factual Reality. This was the result.