This website recounts the story of a highly respected teacher witnessed by all the thanks he received term after term, year after year from all the students who he taught and yet was forced out of his job by a campaign of bullying through the arrogance of two of his colleagues who lied time and again about his teaching and character, without ever having observed his teaching or hearing what his students told Mr Crew-Gee. A classic example of personal power being exploited to destroy a talented colleague's career through the arrogant Emotional belief they know more about EFL than anyone else . A story which happens everyday in a multitude of workplaces and which has no need to happen if Factual Realities as opposed to Emotional Realities were observed as they are in a courtroom.
This is also an example of how humans allow their emotional loyalties, prejudices and positions of power, and also without the intellectual rigor to examine without bias and with balanced analysis, the personal prejudices which arise in the workplace, to influence their decisions which have major inpacts on someone's career . It revolves around Emotional Intelligence and the ability to distinguish the difference between Emotional Realities and Factual Realities.
It was not MY complaints about their teaching which started the process.
This story also highlights the human processes which are in play within all human groups when the Emotion of Arrogance takes over from best working practise.