The website is an introduction to the influence of Emotion within language and its impact on personal and global relationships plus a communication experiment which has been highly successful. What has interested me most in the presentation of the concept has been how certain supposedly highly educated people have been unable to grasp the implications of the concepts which have evolved from the results of my research. The reason being that it never ceases to amaze me how many of these these types of people constantly display low levels of analysis which defy their supposed level of intellect.  The website is a perfect example of this. 

There will be an emphasis on language teaching in the explanations on this page. Although the following is a fine example of how the concept of Emolinguistics is treated by the general public.

One of the most surprising reactions was from an organisation which has as its philosphy:


Their upper management fully supported the concept as stated by one of their local groups, that Emolinguistics " is for the fairies". The word has gone out I must be ignored for daring to question some of their decisions on social media and the promotion of their beliefs, perfectly reasonable questions asked, which others have also asked, I am as the saying goes, 'persona non grata'. Their excuse being I am upset by their rejection of Emlinguistics. 

Not true, since it is for me a perfect display of Emotional Reality in denial of Factual Reality and provides a classic example of Emolinguistics in action. Their rejection is fascinating considering the basic concept behind Emolinguistics is a well established psychological axiom first proposed by a highly respected family therapist, psychologist, communication theorist and philosopher who taught psychiatry and behaviorial sciences at Stanford University, Paul Watzlawick.

What stands out most is that I have not recieved a single critique of any of the concepts which form the academic logic and background to Emolinguistics.

I tell a a lie, there was one in the presentation I gave to the above organisation, where one of the images I used was challenged as being the worst this person had ever seen, in their life, (WOW) in the powerpoint presentation used in my lecture.  Similiar to the story I tell on the website, a complaint about the pictures. Ooops, no it is not about the subject it is about an image which is used to talk about a particular aspect of the subject.






A story of the evolution of what originally  was called "The LANGUAGE OF EMOTION"

STAGE 1:  As explained earlier on another page I had developed an afternoon Speakings Skills class  at the University of Westminster which concentrated on the functional language we use in our everyday interactions to help in our communication with our fellow human beings and task based in its presentation.

We have more than one linguistic introduction to express ourselves in many situations, for example, disagreeing with someone.

But,                                            That's quite true, but

yes but,                                      I'm not sure I quite agree

Come off,                                    Well you have a point there, however

Don't be so silly,                          I see what you mean, on the other hand

What is the reason for all these introductions, or alternatively, why do we have so many ways to disagree?

I asked myself what is the advantage or disadvantage, and came to the conclusion they are linguistics ways of either exciting Emotions or repressing Emotions.  As explained on the website I had been reading about human Emotions and this no doubt led me to reaching the conclusion I came to regarding the reasons for different structures we use in the functional language we use in every communicative interaction. All of this is driven by my desire to understand the concepts behind all our linguistic usage. 

This was also, I believe, helped by an experience I had on holiday in France where we had over a number of years built up a friendship with a family at the campsite we visited every year. They had a daughter who one day I referred to as "VOUS" instead of "TU" and she had burst into tears and gone crying to her parents asking what she had done wrong. 

For those who might not know, the difference in French IS there are two ways of saying "YOU", one, formal for people who we have no friendly relation with and the other used for close friends. A classic example of language being created to show th emotional relationship we have with the person we are communicationg with. The usage of "YOU" in English can be very confusing and the cause of many arguments. suggesting the use of "WE" as opposed to "YOU" is something I recommend to students when they are using "YOU" in its general concept. Further to this, today the use of pronouns has become a highly emotive area of human conceptual understanding.

All this came together came together in an eureka moment whilst designing a one off lesson for a private student. A reference is made to the early research in my email exchange with Ken with reference to an experiment I first carried out.

So commenced the research and a new look at the language we use and its emotional impact on our everyday communications. 

An example of the influence of our emotions on our so called grammatical structures. Conceptually the language referred to as 'grammar is used to relate the subject being discussed to the time frame in which it took or takes place or will take place.

A perennial question from students learning English is the difference between "SHALL" and "WILL".  In my speaking skills class I created a drama scene with a couple of students which explained the difference between the two concepts which also clearly show the emotional difference between them and hence the usage. I wonder how many people are able to provide a valid explanation. 

I also discovered that many people mentally switch off when "YOU SHOULD" is used in communications, which helps to confirm the reasons for the different usage. Also the use of the Present Tense can be highly emotive in certain uses, as can the Past Tense when used in similiar circumstances. 

Our language usage or lack of it at all times has an Emotional impact and this linguistic conclusion links dirrectly to the psychological axioms proposed by Watzlawick and accepted by the psychological community. Psychology is,after all, a study of language, is it not? A question tag, another linguistic emotionally evoking structure.

Then there is all the vocabulary which describes our emotions, the almost endless list of positive, negative and neutral words describing our feelings/emotions, the adjectives. 

For example: Best, Worst, Average, and a vast almost uncountable number which makes it difficult to list. However there is a way round this which could also help in any computer programming in creating an Emotional computer. We can simplify the analysis by referring to the emotions by the effect they are having, the simple eletrification, the brain stimulating the mind process through the Neuron electrical process. 

Hence emotion can be simplified to: Positive, Negative and Neutral, which we can then linguistically describe depending on the effect created. 

Another example of Emotion/Feelings controlling human concepts linguistically is the 20th century process known as Political Correctness.
The use of the word "Blind" after centuries of use, with the concept of being totally unable to see anything has been declared a forbidden word by some peoplebecause apparently it is offensive. Strange thing is it is sighted people who have a problem with the word whilst blind people in general do not have a problem with it. It has been replaced by the term "Visually impaired". 

Conceptually this is actually a ridiculous substitute since the word "impaired" conceptually does not imply there is a TOTAL inability to do something, it is a partial inability. It is a classic example of some human being allowing their Emotional Reality to change the Factual Reality of a linguistic concept which defines neatly in a single word a person disability and which is there to enable society to quickly recognise the disability. 

There are degrees of blindness and in those cases "visually impaired" is the correct terminology. 

Linguistic terminology needs to stick as close as possible to the conceptual Factual Reality of Human existence.

STAGE 2:  This where the linguistic concepts of every word, every clause, every phrase, every sentence, every communication, every thought has at least two meanings, Factual and Emotional the linguistic extension from Paul Watzlawick's pyschological became linked to human realities through a simple thought process of linking concepts, the origins of language where the reality of existence had surely been the linking of sounds to the sights and sounds early humans experienced. 


This led to the hypothesis the two concepts could be linked directly to the concept of Reality and that there are in fact two Realities, Factual Reality and Emotional Reality.

There is however a very important difference in these two concepts. there is only one Factual Reality and more than one Emotional Reality which can be created from a single concept. The individual's thought processing linked to their experiences, character, and beliefs. Link this to the multitude of human languages and societies and what is "TRUTH" becomes a major cause of conflicts.  

These concepts evolved due to observations of what is happening in the world and relating it to actions in relation to the language and what the reality of the impact of actions had on life. 

What can be a Factually Reality in one society or group of human beings, in another society or group it is an Emotional Reality.  Goddesses used to be worshiped in past societies, women respected, 'Vestial Virgins', the Queens of Egypt, the Amazons, the Wu Zhou Dynasty, Boudica and other female rulers. Yet today we have societies which consider women as second class citizens totally at the merci of their male rulers, even to the extent of not even being heard let alone seen. 

What level of male Emotions have created such a miserable existence for half the human race?

A few years after I was promoting the Language of Emotion, Emotional Intelligence became a popular concept in life due to a book on the subject published in 1995, which adds further evidence of the impact Emotion has on human life let alone the reality if we just care to look around the globe and beyond our own narrow e3xistence and experience.

I also relate this to Emotional Literacy and our ability to consciously control our emotions which help us to use neutral and postive linguistic concepts and also control our physical reactions. Time to control our subconscious emotions  and consciously grasp control of the negativity of our emotions.

Globally we need to build awareness of the different Emotional concepts which exist in linguistics terms of other languages. An example of this, is how jokes in one language can make no sense in another language, another area of new research.

In an era of human scientific knowledge which is, it would seem, for so many, beyond comprehension, "The Emotional Being" is alive and well and in some ways is just as emotionally driven as it was in past times if not more so, when we compare it to the extent of human knolwdge in the present day. An interesting question is when did emotional language evolve, since I posit that the first language sounds initially would have been about our surroundings, something we are only able to speculate upon. Which brings us back to Reality. 

I am not sure about when I discovered my thoughts on Reality linked directly back to Paul Watzlawick. Sometime between 2014 and now I was exploring more axioms in psychology when I came across yet another quote from Paul Watzlawick which linked directly to my thoughts on the concepts of Reality. Having been inspired way back in 1986 with PauI Watzlawick psychological axiom decided to turn this into an image, linking a brick wall with curtains, which I leave the reader to glean the significance.


Which brings us full circle to the reason for the website.  Since Dellar and Walkley created their Emotional Realities without any Factual Reality to justify their attacks and the managment rejected direct written Factual Reality from students. 

Their Emotional Realities controlling the Factual Realities. Evidence of their intellectual knowledge being controlled by their lack of Emotional Intelligence. Lack of desire to seek the true facts of the situation. Two witnesses evidence being ignored. 

Emolinguistics needs to be taught in every school and a study subject in Universities

The evidence of the Emotional Concepts  within language controlling human actions permeates every area of life and I am not going to list any since one only has to observe the state of World politics and the new form of human spread of information, the social media sites on the internet to see it in action. 

I see these concepts as revealing a new way of understanding the truths of the Realites of human existence, sadly I am just a single voice.

Emotional Intelligence is vital in seeking the Factual Reality and we now have an Encylopedia in our pockets so there no excuse for not checking on the validity of statements regarding so many aspects of human existence and knowledge. 

When it comes to personal relationships particularly in the work environmen, where we spend a majority of our daily lives, it is companies with a management with high levels of Emotional Intelligence, creating postive attitudes towards ones colleagues which are proven to be amongst the most successful. We need to raise people's awareness of the advantages the impact of Emotion linguistic knowledge can achieve once we all come to accept we are 'THE EMOTIONAL BEING'.

Finally we have the major advances in computer technology to the point where Artificial Intelligence is now playing a major role in our lives, it is responsible major advances in our knowledge and scientific advances in all areas of life.  I have availed myself of AI in creating an image which can instantly represent the concept of minds seeking Factual Reality. All I asked for on an Image creating AI app was provide an image of Emotional Reality and Factual Reality. This was the result.